0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 23, 2005 9:22 PM by joco3

    lost JAAS credential across EJB call in EJB 3 RC1



      I have a JAAS LoginModule that calls an EJB 3 session bean to get the Subject (principals and credentials) to work with.

      Under JBoss 4.0.3RC1/EJB 3 Beta1 the LoginModule could call the EJB in a remote way, and everything went fine.

      When I migrated to JBoss 4.0.3RC2/EJB 3 RC1 this did not work any more. Everything else but the credential got to the LoginModule. The credential seemed to have "disappeared" when the remote call returned. (I tried to put it into the public credential set; didn't get through either)

      When I changed the call to access the EJB via a local lookup (everything is running on the same box/JBoss instance anyway), the LoginModule received the full Subject (including the credential) again.

      Can somebody explain it?