0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 17, 2005 7:01 AM by hypnotik

    Relationship properties


      I need some help setting up relationship properties. To be more specific consider the following example.

      Let us presume I have an entity ExpenseType which holds all kinds of expense types for some expense charge. One of those expense types could be 'Ethernet cable'. An organization could have different price for this ethernet cable when being sold to education institutions in comparison to price when being sold to military.
      So we have ExpenseRateCategory entity with two entries (Education and Military) and ExpenseType entity with one entry (Externet cable). I have created entities ExpenseType and ExpenseRateCategory and have managed to establish the relationship between them. The problem is how to add additional fields to this relationship, namely the price, the value of which depends on both sides of the relationship and how to manipulate those fields in the context of EJB3 specification?