1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 2, 2005 12:10 PM by bill.burke

    ejb3-embed (standalone) in a SAR?


      Hi all,
      I've created a persistence jar using the embedded version of EJB3 (i.e. persistence.xml that points directly to a database, not JDNI).

      This has been tested and works fine. When I deploy the persistence jar directly to /deploy (with an ejb3.deployer-enabled jboss), it deploys fine.

      However, putting the persistence jar in a SAR causings a lot of issues. Would this be a normal circumstance of putting an EJB3-embed persistence jar into a SAR for use with an EJB3 session bean, or should it never be put in a SAR?


        • 1. Re: ejb3-embed (standalone) in a SAR?

          embedded is intended for a pure-Java SE environment. This means no Java EE specific packaging is allowed: EAR, WAR, RAR, SAR, etc...

          Only jars (no nested jars)

          The reason for this is that in the embedded environment you have no control over classloading and get everything from the classpath. An EAR has nested jars, these jars would need to be added to the classpath. This is impossible in SE.