0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 17, 2006 2:11 PM by kgilpin

    Does the name attribute of the @Stateless annotation work?

      I am declaring a bean like this

      package com.mycorp.remote.doc;

      public class ConceptDocHomeEJB3 implements DocHome {

      public interface DocHome {

      JNDIView shows

      | +- com.mycorp.app.concept.ConceptDocHome

      The DocHome JNDI name seems to be referring to the implemented interface name, which from reading the EJB3 spec should be over-ridden by the @Stateless/name attribute value.

      I don't know what the 'containers' section is for, but here the name seems to be correct.

      I expect to be able to look up this bean under the name 'com.mycorp.app.concept.ConceptDocHome' but the lookup fails.

      This is JBoss 4.0.3