2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 2, 2006 12:04 AM by gus888

    Need a help on IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed exception


      Hi there,

      I am new EJB user. I use JSF and EJB3 in a test project. When I use stateless bean, it worked fine. However, when I added a stateful bean and deployed them to JBOSS 4.0.3 SP1, I got several exceptions:

      ObjectName: jboss:service=DefaultPartition
      State: FAILED
      Reason: ChannelException: java.lang.Exception: exception caused by UDP.start(): java.net.SocketException: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed (out of hardware filters?)
      I Depend On:
      Depends On Me:

      ObjectName: jboss.cache:service=EJB3SFSBClusteredCache
      State: FAILED
      Reason: ChannelException: java.lang.Exception: exception caused by UDP.start(): java.net.SocketException: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed (out of hardware filters?)

      May anybody give me a help? I really appreciate it. Thanks you in advance.
