3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 9, 2006 4:28 PM by epbernard

    primarykey mapping problem


      I have got a question about primarykey-mapping.

      Having two tables:

      int | customer_id (PK)
      varchar | firstname
      varchar | lastname

      int | customer_id (PK)
      int | friend_customer_id (PK)
      date | created

      Is it possible to map this two tables to the following class-structure using annotations ?

      class Customer
      public Long getId() {...}
      public String getFirstname() {...}
      public String getLastname() {...}

      class Friendship
      public Customer getCustomer() {...}
      public Customer getFriend() {...}
      public Date getCreated() {...}

      The "Customer"-class is not the problem, but I am simply unable to declare "getCustomer() & getFriend()" as compound primary-key of class "Friendship".

      Any help would be appreciated


        • 1. Re: primarykey mapping problem

          Use @IdClass

          See Hibernate EntityManager doco or specification . I don't have an wxample of it in the tjutotirals Only @EmbeddedId

          • 2. Re: primarykey mapping problem

            Thanks for fast reply, but I still having problems get it working.

            The following schema is generated

            CREATE TABLE t_customer
             customer_id int8 NOT NULL,
             firstname varchar(255),
             lastname varchar(255),
             CONSTRAINT t_customer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)
            WITHOUT OIDS;
            CREATE TABLE t_friendship
             customer bytea NOT NULL,
             friend bytea NOT NULL,
             created timestamp,
             CONSTRAINT t_friendship_pkey PRIMARY KEY (customer, friend)
            WITHOUT OIDS;

            When I deploy the following classes

            public class Customer implements Serializable
             private Long pk = null;
             private String firstname = null;
             private String lastname = null;
             public Customer2()
             public String getFirstname()
             return firstname;
             public void setFirstname(String name)
             this.firstname = name;
             public String getLastname()
             return lastname;
             public void setLastname(String name2)
             this.lastname = name2;
             public Long getPk()
             return pk;
             public void setPk(Long pk)
             this.pk = pk;

            public class FriendshipPK implements Serializable
             private Customer customer = null;
             private Customer friend = null;
             public FriendshipPK()
             public Customer getCustomer()
             return customer;
             public void setCustomer(Customer customer)
             this.customer = customer;
             public Customer getFriend()
             return friend;
             public void setFriend(Customer friend)
             this.friend = friend;

            public class Friendship
             private Customer customer = null;
             private Customer friend = null;
             private Date created = null;
             public Friendship()
             public Date getCreated()
             return created;
             public void setCreated(Date created)
             this.created = created;
             public Customer getCustomer()
             return customer;
             public void setCustomer(Customer customer)
             this.customer = customer;
             public Customer getFriend()
             return friend;
             public void setFriend(Customer friend)
             this.friend = friend;

            There is no difference when using "@Id" instead of "@EmbeddedId" in class "Friendship".

            It always generates the columns "customer" & "friend" of type "byte" instead of "int8".

            I am using EJB3 RC4-PFD.

            Looking in the docs does not really help, because it always describes PK consisting of primitive types.

            Would be great if anyone could help me.


            • 3. Re: primarykey mapping problem

              please reread the whole chapter about composite primary keys you're are mismatching all annotations.