5 Replies Latest reply on Mar 10, 2006 4:04 PM by dreuzel

    Message Beans   where can one find  jar or import definition

      I'm giving message beans a try and i'm trying the examples
      It seems impossible to link since JAR's or imports seem to be missing

      The main attribute "activationConfig" is missing in the definitions
      Where is it suppoed to be defined ???

      @MessageDriven(activationConfig =

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        • 1. Re: Message Beans   where can one find  jar or import defini

          What release of EJB3 are you using? Older versions incorrectly used the "activateConfig" attribute instead of the correct "activationConfig"

          • 2. Re: Message Beans   where can one find  jar or import defini

            I tried the last stable version and the previous ones
            jboss-4.0.3SP1 windows MSI

            it does not seem to change with 4.0.4 rc1
            I probably do not include the right JAR and or include file
            I'm using eclipse define the project as an EJB and add additionaly following
            jars mainly as a try

            + DOM4J-1.6.1.Jar (EJB-DEPLOY)
            + Jaxen-1.1.Beta.jar (EJB-DEPLOY)
            +common-pools.jar <????> (lib)
            +Jboss-annotations.jar (lib)
            +jmx-client.jar (client)
            +jbossscx-client (client)
            +jboss-saaj (client)

            • 3. Re: Message Beans   where can one find  jar or import defini

              MessageDrivern.class resides in [jboss-inst-dir]/server[server_name]/deploy/ejb3.deployer/boss-ejb3x.jar so that shoukd be the jar to include.

              Regards Peter

              • 4. Re: Message Beans   where can one find  jar or import defini

                i suppose jboss_ejb3.jar and Jboss_ejb3x.jar

                all these are included
                I receive only complains about "activationConfig"
                from eclipse
                The attribute activationConfig is undefined for the annotation MessageDriven

                I practicaly copied the code from the net I do not see anything else wrong in the code

                DO I MISSSPELL ???

                package com.xxxx.bean;
                import org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Consumer;
                import javax.ejb.*;
                import java.sql.Timestamp;
                import com.xxxx.beanClient.*;

                @Consumer(activationConfig =
                public class pojo_message implements message
                public void send (String xml, String Meta)
                // double result = calculate (start, end, growthrate, saving);
                // RecordManager.addRecord (new Timestamp(sent), result);
                System.out.println ("The MD message POJO is invoked "+ Meta +" : "+ xml);

                • 5. Re: Message Beans   where can one find  jar or import defini

                  there are multiple libraeieswith the same name in different directories.
                  as soon as I picked the right source (same librarie Names !!!) it seems to work.
                  Aside from trouble finding the right jar having thesame name withdifferent content iseven worse, i got it working in the end