1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 29, 2006 6:22 PM by bdecoste

    SFSB not storing values?

      I'm not sure what is wrong...but I can't get a Stateful bean to store any values!

      I did a test using the example in the TrailBlazer app and got a SFSB to work just fine...but now that I'm trying one in my application I simply can't get it to retain any values I add into it.

      It's really pretty simple. I have a ShoppingCartBean that has a globally declared collection of OrderLine objects:

      public class ShoppingCartBean
       implements Serializable ,ShoppingCartLocal, ShoppingCartRemote
       private float orderTotal = 0F;
       private Order order = new Order();
       private List<OrderLine> orderLines = new ArrayList<OrderLine>();
       private Customer customer = new Customer();
       @EJB private ProductsLocal products;
       public ShoppingCartBean()
       public void init()
       System.out.println("ShoppingCartBean called, orderLines count: " + orderLines.size());
       public Order getOrder()
       return this.order;
       public Customer getCustomer()
       return this.customer;
       public List<OrderLine> getOrderLines()
       return this.orderLines;
       public int getItemCount()
       return this.orderLines.size();
       public boolean containsItem(OrderLine item)
       return orderLines.contains(item);
       public void addOrderLine(OrderLine item)
       System.out.println("addOrderLine called, orderLines count: " + orderLines.size());
       public void removeOrderLine(OrderLine orderLine)
       public float getOrderTotal()
       return this.orderTotal;
       public void checkout()
       System.out.println("To be implemented");

      I created a test servlet where I add a value and then display the contents of the collection:

       public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
       throws ServletException, IOException
       response.getWriter().println("SFSBTest!<br />");
       InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
       ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart)ctx.lookup("MyEAR/ShoppingCartBean/local");
       OrderLine ol = new OrderLine();
       //add to cart SFSB
       List<OrderLine> lines = cart.getOrderLines();
       for (OrderLine line : lines)
       response.getWriter().println(line.getQuantity() + "<br />");
       catch (NamingException exp)
       catch (IOException exp)

      ...instead...I see only the one object I'm adding...nothing new gets appended. The List is losing its contents rather than retaining and appending a new value on every refresh.

      You'll see that I put out.println statements in the "add" and "get" methods in the SFSB for the collection so I could see what was happening while it ran.

      Here's the output I see while refreshing:

      20:15:39,418 INFO [STDOUT] ShoppingCartBean called, orderLines count: 0
      20:15:39,418 INFO [STDOUT] addOrderLine called, orderLines count: 1

      Did I forget something? What's going on? Am I misunderstanding how Stateful beans work?
