12 Replies Latest reply on Aug 5, 2007 8:30 AM by cleanerx

    Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object



      is it a bug that Injections in JMX Service Objects are bound not until the
      LifeCycle method start() is executed? This behaviour is new since CR2.
      While proceeding the create() and start() method the EntityManager injected by

      @PersistenceContext(unitName = "myEM") protected EntityManager em;

      em is "null", but when calling a method after the start of the Service it is available.
      I compared org.jboss.system.ServiceController from RC1 and CR2, but there are no changes, which would affect this behaviour.

      Someone has an idea what changes affected this?



        • 1. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

          if a datasource is not injected it's not a problem, because i can get it from JNDI, but how can i get the EntityManager (peristence unit already created)?

          • 2. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

            no statement to this?

            • 3. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

              is it a bug or not?

              • 4. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

                you mean, why is it null before start()? Like in the constructor?

                • 5. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

                  the JMX Component has the standard lifecycle methods:
                  create(), start(),stop(), destroy()

                  My code looks like this:

                  @Service(objectName = "portal:service=SystemPropertyService")
                  @LocalBinding(jndiBinding = SystemPropertyLocal.JNDI)
                  public class SystemPropertyService implements SystemPropertyLocal,
                   SystemPropertyManagement {
                   private static final Log _log = LogFactory
                   private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> _properties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
                   @PersistenceContext(unitName = "portalEM")
                   protected EntityManager em;
                   public void create() throws Exception {
                   public void start() throws Exception {
                   List<SystemProperty> properties = _getProperties();
                   // add Properties
                   public void stop() {
                   public void destroy() {
                   private List<SystemProperty> _getProperties() {
                   try {
                   List<SystemProperty> list = em.createQuery("from SystemProperty sp").getResultList();
                   return list;
                   } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                   throw new SystemException(e);

                  I get a NullPointerException in _getProperties() because em is null.

                  I would accept it if the EntityManager is not injected while constructor or create(), but why in start()? And why is this behaviour different since CR2?

                  The EntityManager is not injected before the start() method is completly processed. ( before: null, start(): null, after: injected)
                  In 4.0.4RC1 i can use the EntityManager in the start() method,
                  in 4.0.4CR2 it is null (same Sourcecode).
                  I also tried to inject only a datasource by @Resource and it was also not injected (but available by JNDI and InitialContext in start() method).
                  In both versions the EntityManager is available when the service is started.

                  This is a little bit curious. Do you have an explanation for this behaviour?



                  • 6. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

                    no statement? I only want to know, if this is a bug or if this behaviour will also exist in the final version of 4.0.4.



                    • 7. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

                      I'll log a bug in jira. We changed the behavior for service beans to fix another bug.

                      Another release is scheduled before java one.

                      • 8. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object
                        • 9. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

                          I just corrected this issue and closed the JIRA task. The fix will be available in the next release of EJB3

                          • 10. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

                            I also get EntityManager null when trying to inject it in a servlet with 404RC2. When using it in the processRequest() method it is null.

                            Could this be the same issue?

                            • 11. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

                              dependency injections don't work for servlets. This bug only affects jmx service objects whith lifecycle methods.



                              • 12. Re: Dependecy Injection in JMX Service Object

                                @EJB annotations cannot be injected within @Service Beans. The behavior changed from 4.0.4Patch1 to > 4.2. The injected @EJB references are null within the start method of the jmx bean. However the @PersistenceContext annotation can be injected. I'm just curious if I'm missing something or if it's a bug.