1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 28, 2006 8:51 AM by weston.price

    Tool for generating entities and mappings?



      I have a very complex Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (not Adaptive Server Enterprise!) Database with lot's of tables, foreign-keys etc.

      Is there a tool which generates my Entities out of the DB?

      Also I need the XML-Files needed for mapping the entites to the db.

      I never saw a Documentation on how to create this XML files, how to tell JBoss to use them and how to tell JBoss which Database-Server, JDBC-Driver, etc. to use...

      Thx for any suggestions and help!

      nomike aka Michael Postmann

        • 1. Re: Tool for generating entities and mappings?

          The Hibernate tools in JBossIDE seem to support this.

          Reverse engineer existing DB schemas to Hibernate and EJB3 POJO, hbm.xml, HTML docs, JBoss Seam components, DAO, etc
          Interactively query your DB with HQL/EJBQL3
          Advanced hbm.xml and cfg.xml editors with auto-complete
          DB Model visualization
          Externalized reverse engineering through ant
          Automated wizard for cfg.xml with DB driver auto-complete
