5 Replies Latest reply on Aug 13, 2008 3:39 PM by chris.simons

    Excel Export with rich:dataTable


      Have any body tried using the Tomohawk sandboxs excelExport component with rich:dataTable for generating excel sheets on fly.If then,please let me know how to use that with richfaces?

        • 1. Re: Excel Export with rich:dataTable

          I am also interested in this subject. Export a generic datatable to spreadsheet(CSV-Data) With an additional Excelcompatible switch.
          I would prefer to see a native richfaces implementation.

          A related Question: How can i capture an generic part of the HTML-Page.
          Similiar to tomahaks t:buffer, which i can not use. If we are able to capture html we can feed this html to excel and we are ready.

          • 2. Re: Excel Export with rich:dataTable

            Actually I tried using the t:dataTable and excelExport component together in my RichFaces,Faceletes application.But the table didnt got rendered.Do I need to define the Myfaces extensions filter to enable the component in my application.?? Do I need to do anything else??Please suggest?

            • 3. Re: Excel Export with rich:dataTable

              Has anyone had any lucking using this sandbox component with a RichFaces dataTable?


              • 4. Re: Excel Export with rich:dataTable


                "chris.simons" wrote:


                analogue of tomahawk's t:buffer tag

                I am really not understand what the practical reason for that if you use JSF for the purpose it is designed for.

                • 5. Re: Excel Export with rich:dataTable

                  The purpose of JSF, in my eyes, is to add a view layer that makes building applications - large and small - a thing of beauty.

                  When building an application for commercial or government enterprises, users "require" certain things. When dealing with applications that present a lot of data, users often ask for ways to export that data to other formats. Excel and PDF are too common examples. What better way to extend the already powerful RichFaces library than to add these types of functionality *built-in* to the dataTable component?

                  You could also argue that this type of functionality is best served by a true reporting engine (Jasper, JReport, Crystal, etc.). I would agree with this statement. Sometimes, though, money and time for COTS integration isn't always an option.