0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 22, 2006 10:22 PM by cfrostrun

    EJB 3 & Stateless Session Bean WS Endpoint


      I'm getting the following exceptions...

      21:05:13,924 INFO [STDOUT] Howdy. 1
      21:05:13,928 INFO [STDOUT] url = http://www.test.com description = This is a Description hiperDate = Thu Oct 26 21:05:03 CDT 2006
      21:05:14,239 ERROR [AbstractServlet] Error processing web service request
      javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: org.jboss.ws.binding.BindingException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.frostylabs.hiperlinx.dto.loader.HiperlinxEntry

      Does anybody have any idea why? My HiperlinxEntry class is part of the EJB project... Here's the Bean Implementation

      @RemoteBinding (jndiBinding="HiperlinxLoaderBean/remote")
      @WebService (endpointInterface="com.frostylabs.hiperlinx.services.loader.HiperlinxLoaderEndPoint")
      public class HiperlinxLoaderBean implements HiperlinxLoaderRemote, HiperlinxLoaderEndPoint{

      public boolean execute(HiperlinxEntry[] entries) {
      System.out.println(" Howdy. " + entries.length);
      // this is
      // 21:05:13,928 INFO [STDOUT] url = http://www.test.com description =
      // This is a Description hiperDate = Thu Oct 26 21:05:03 CDT 2006

      return true;

      public String getServiceName() {
      return "Hiperlinx Service";


      My EndPoint Interface...

      public interface HiperlinxLoaderEndPoint {

      public boolean execute(HiperlinxEntry[] entries);


      I'm on jboss 4.0.4.... any ideas? My EJB & EAR is in the deploy/ directory... So I'm not sure why I'd have to put the classes somewhere else?

      Any Help would be greatful.
