0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 1, 2006 11:07 AM by aidan_b5

    RC9 Migration NameNotFoundException


      I am trying to upgrade from jboss 4.0.3 SP1 ejb RC6 to 4.05 RC9.

      When I try to access my ejb's that have other ejbs injected into them, I get a NameNotBoundException.

      Looking in the jmx console, I can see that those ejbs are registered but not started. Having searched the net for a solution, one person said that you have to use the installer and install using the EJB configuration, this I have done.

      I have also changed the @EJB annotations to javax.ejb.EJB instead of the javax.annotation.EJB ones used in RC6.....no luck.

      My ejbs are being looked up using SMSPortal/ObjectFacadeBean/local
      where SMSPortal is my ear.....i assume this is still correct for RC9 and hasn't changed?
