4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 11, 2008 8:44 AM by ofridler

    EJB3 over SSL in NAT environment (JBoss 4.0.5)


      Has anyone been able to configure SSL for EJB3 in a NAT environment?
      I have followed the lower 2 posts and have successfully configured a server for EJB3 over SSL and configured regular EJB3 in a NAT environment, but not combined.

      (Problems with bean-lookup in NAT environment, EJB3RC5)

      (stateless-ssl-invoker for EJB3)

      My EJB has the following annotations:

       @RemoteBinding(clientBindUrl="sslsocket://", jndiBinding="ejb/TestBean/ssl"),
       public class TestBean implements TestInterface

      The regular remote call, "ejb/TestBean/remote", works in NAT if I setup the ej3 deployer with a remoting configuration (similar to the ssl version) and specify a "clientConnectAddress"

      An example here:

      Since I have to specify a remote binding annotation to bind "ejb/TestBean/ssl" to the ssl socket, the clientConnectAddress in the service file is never used, it is overridden by the annotated value.

      Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. The server version used is 4.0.5 prod.