0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 14, 2007 7:45 AM by aleksab

    An global bean


      I'm trying to figure out how to make a statefull bean that is global. I'll illustrate it with an example.

      There a several clients that look up a bean, ie GlobalBean. Each client sends a string to the bean, which the GlobalBean stores. When a client asks the GlobalBean for the strings, all the strings are returned.

      By implementing the GlobalBean as a stateful ejb bean, the GlobalBean just stores the string given by a specific client, since the bean is bound to the session between the bean and the client.

      I want to create a bean which is not bound to the session in other words. I could do this by Message beans, but don't want to. I suppose I could do the same with an entity bean, but I don't want to involve databases.

      So shouldn't it be some sort of annotatio like @MakePublicAvailable which exposes a bean for all sessions AND is stateful??

      Ideas/suggestions are appreciated.