0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 11, 2007 10:47 AM by pkraemer

    Problem with java.util.Map in Entity Bean


      Well, I'm a bit confused how to solve this problem:

      I have got two tables in my database:

      -- locale_text --
      -- --
      -- PK locale --
      -- PK,FK test_id --
      -- text --
      -- test --
      -- --
      -- PK test_id --
      -- --
      -- --

      Table locale contains text in different languages.

      Now there is only one Entity Bean for table2 which inlcudes a java.util.Map locale_text. This Map is represented by table1
      I tried to solve it with secondaryTable an @MapKey but it does not work

      @SequenceGenerator(name = "test_sequence", sequenceName = "test_id_seq")
      public class Test implements Serializable {
       private static final long serialVersionUID = -8939291842604811925L;
       @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator =
       private java.lang.Long id;
       //Here is my problem
       private Map<java.util.Locale,java.util.Locale> localizedText =
       new HashMap();

      Happy for any help and/or ideas
