2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 14, 2008 11:03 AM by smelly_hulk

    about rich:scrollableDataTable and a4j:commandLink


      In one of my JSP, I use rich:scrollableDataTable. And in each of row, there is a column which is using a4j:commandLink to navigate to next page. When I test it, I click the link and there is no response. I can not navigate to next page. But if I use rich:dataTable instead of rich:scrollableDataTable, I can navigate to next page. Part of jsp code is:

      <rich:scrollableDataTable frozenColCount="1" height="300px" headerClass="headerRow" rowClasses="oddRow,evenRow"
      width="100%" id="memberList" rows="#{memberSearch.rowcount}" columnClasses="col" value="#{memberSearch.results}" var="memberList">

      <rich:column width="200px" id="MBR_MEMBER_ID">
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:outputText value="#{bundle.member_search_member_id}"/>
      <h:commandLink action="memberDetail" actionListener="#{memberDetail.detail}">
      <h:outputText value="#{memberList.MBR_MEMBER_ID}"/>

      <rich:column id="MBR_LAST_NAME">
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:outputText value="#{bundle.member_search_last_name}"/>
      <h:outputText value="#{memberList.MBR_LAST_NAME}"/>

      Is there anybody can help me to figure out the reason of the issue?
