1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 27, 2007 3:02 PM by johncurley

    How do I get EJB 3 and legacy EJB 2.x beans to live in harmo


      Hi, All:

      Searching Google, JBoss docs, everywhere trying to find an answer.

      I am running

      JBoss 4.0.5.GA that was installed with the JEMS installer and the ejb3-cluster selection

      I created an EJB3 compliant bean and a persistence.xml and persistence unit. This is my first EJB3 bean.

      The problem is that now that I deploy my new ear file, the EJB 3 bean deploys but the previously valid EJB 2.x beans don't. They are now in the FAILED state as revealed by the jmx-console.

      Here is the printout of one of my EJB 2.1 bean console errors

      --- MBeans waiting for other MBeans ---
      ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:ear=benefficiencyEnterprise-6.1.ear,jar=benefficiency-business-tier-6.1.jar,name=DistributionCalendar,service=EJB3
      State: FAILED
      Reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: An exception occurred initialising interceptors for class com.talavara.viper.business.session.ejb.DistributionCalendarSession.getEJBLocalHome

      How do I get my legacy EJB beans work now that I have added an EJB 3 bean?

      Thank you in advance for your help,
      John Curley


        • 1. Re: How do I get EJB 3 and legacy EJB 2.x beans to live in h

          figured it out

          My ejb 2.x beans were generated with XDoclet. There seems to have been some method signature changes.

          Just removed throws clause from ejbActivate(), ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() in the offending EJBs.


          John Curley

          P.S. Nascar Rules!!!!!!! Kyle Busch is the next superstar. Remember you heard it here first!!!!!!