4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 11, 2007 11:42 AM by waynebaylor

    what can be done for not real remove


      A person bean can have a set of phone beans. To delete a phone, code can be

      //no entityManager.remove(phone);

      But how about if we don't want to delete the record from table, we just want that person doesn't have that phone.

      How does jboss 4.2 deal with such case?

      possible to introduce extra field indication whether or not the record is active, if it's not, jboss consider it not existed, but keeps the record's primary key preserved?



        • 1. Re: what can be done for not real remove

          You remove the phone from the person's phone list, then save the person:

          entityManager.merge (person);

          Hope this helps


          • 2. Re: what can be done for not real remove


            "Wolfgang Knauf" wrote:
            You remove the phone from the person's phone list, then save the person:

            entityManager.merge (person);

            Hope this helps


            The API for merge is from http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/ejb3-api/
            merge(T entity)
            Merge the state of the given entity into the current persistence context.

            but how about restart jboss, will that person still have the "deleted" phone?

            • 3. Re: what can be done for not real remove

              Please post the code for the "person" entity. The key is how you defined the "phones" collection.

              • 4. Re: what can be done for not real remove

                i agree, if you have set CascadeType.ALL or CascadeType.REMOVE on the "phones" collection, then when you call


                the phone will be removed from the db.

                if you only have CascadeType.PERSIST and/or CascadeType.MERGE, then only the "link" from person to that phone will be deleted--the phone entity will still be in the db.