2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 25, 2008 1:15 PM by javidjamae

    Security annotations not working in 5.0.0.Beta3


      I'm trying to call an EJB with security annotations set on it, but only some of them work properly. Here is the EJB that I have:

      @RolesAllowed( { "bank-manager", "teller" })
      public class StatelessCalculatorBean implements Calculator, CalculatorRemote {
       @EJB(beanName = "InterestRateMBean")
       private InterestRateManager interstRateManager;
       public double calculateTotalInterest(double presentValue, int years) {
       return calculateFutureValue(presentValue, years) - presentValue;
       public double calculateFutureValue(double presentValue, int years) {
       double interestRate = interstRateManager.getInterestRate() / 100;
       return presentValue * Math.pow((1.0 + interestRate), years);
       public double getInterestRate() {
       return interstRateManager.getInterestRate();
       public String getTheAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything() {
       return "42";
       public String freeForAll() {
       return "You're in!";

      Here are my roles:

      Here is what happens when I try to access the various methods from a standalone client:

      User: admin, Roles: bank-manager, teller
      admin could call calculateFutureValue (requires 'teller')
      admin could call calculateTotalInterest (requires 'bank-manager' or 'teller')
      admin could call getInterestRate (requires 'bank-manager')
      admin could not call getTheAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything (DenyAll) - Caller unauthorized
      admin could not call freeForAll (PermitAll) - Caller unauthorized
      User: bank-manager, Roles: bank-manager
      bank-manager could not call calculateFutureValue (requires 'teller') - Caller unauthorized
      bank-manager could call calculateTotalInterest (requires 'bank-manager' or 'teller')
      bank-manager could call getInterestRate (requires 'bank-manager')
      bank-manager could not call getTheAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything (DenyAll) - Caller unauthorized
      bank-manager could not call freeForAll (PermitAll) - Caller unauthorized
      User: teller, Roles: teller
      teller could call calculateFutureValue (requires 'teller')
      teller could call calculateTotalInterest (requires 'bank-manager' or 'teller')
      teller could not call getInterestRate (requires 'bank-manager') - Caller unauthorized
      teller could not call getTheAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything (DenyAll) - Caller unauthorized
      teller could not call freeForAll (PermitAll) - Caller unauthorized
      User: joe, Roles: customer
      joe could not call calculateFutureValue (requires 'teller') - Caller unauthorized
      joe could call calculateTotalInterest (requires 'bank-manager' or 'teller')
      joe could not call getInterestRate (requires 'bank-manager') - Caller unauthorized
      joe could not call getTheAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything (DenyAll) - Caller unauthorized
      joe could not call freeForAll (PermitAll) - Caller unauthorized

      There are two problems (bugs?):

      1) Permit all does not work for any of the roles
      2) From my understanding, the class-level @RolesAllowed annotation should apply to all the methods that don't override this with their own method-level @RolesAllowed annotation. As seen in the output above, everybody was able to access calculateTotalInterest() even though only bank-manager and teller were supposed to have access.

      Has anybody else encountered this? I'll be glad to open a JIRA issue if these are bugs.