2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 11, 2008 4:56 AM by jaikiran

    Using java.util.logging inside an EJB


      Hi ,

      i am using a logger inside a session EJB with EJB3.0 specification.
      The problem is that the messages sent by the logger to the console are sent to the Application Server's standard error instead of Standard output.

      public class LoggerBean implements LoggerRemote {
       private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( "a" ) ;
       public LoggerBean( ) {
       logger.setLevel( Level.ALL ) ;
       logger.info( "LoggerBean" );
       public void printHello( ) {
       logger.info( "Hello World!!!" );

      The log showing in the application server console is the following
      11:46:37,192 ERROR [STDERR] Dec 11, 2008 11:46:37 AM com.suntec.tbms5.ejb.logging.LoggerBean <init>
      INFO: LoggerBean

      Can anybody help me ? Whats happening inside the EJB container ?
      Thanks in advance