1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 16, 2009 4:31 AM by torstenknopp

    Swing Client Catching Exception from EJB3-Server by HTTP-Tun


      I'm using JBoss 4.2.2 GA with EJB3.
      My Client is a SWING-Client and I accessed the Server as described in http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9049 with HTTP Connector!

      Now, I throw an Runtimeexception("Versionerror by update") in my SessionBean and I want to show this Messsage on my Client. But I get only a Undeclared Throwable Exception with a WebServerError inside. There is no way to get my original ErrorMessage from the Server.
      I've added RETURN-EXCEPTION = true parameter in ejb3-deployer/meta-inf/jboss-service.xml but the result is the same!

      What is to do?