0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 7, 2009 2:33 PM by pablo.fraga1975

    EJB3 @TransactionTimeout at method level not working



      I' am running JBoss 4.2.3-GA with EJB3 SLSB, transacction management is CMP (default), some operations, not all, needs more time of execution to work it out.

      Between the 2 options of increasing the transaction timeout i choosed the one that applies at method level in each EJB, not the one at app. server level, 'cause i don't want to affect the whole container.

      Code snapshot:

      public AbstractResult compra(AbstractCommand command){

      // sleep current thread for 10 seconds just to try transaction timeout
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
      log.error("Prueba de EJB3 transaction timeout");

      // this goes the real code that interacts with RDBMS



      The default transacction timeout to make the test was changed from 5 minutes (the default), to 5 seconds.

      Server.log snap showing what it really happens:

      18:29:42,781 INFO [CompraFacade] Start TX.

      5 second later ... just after container transaction timeout ...

      18:29:47,602 WARN [arjLoggerI18N] [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction_58] - Abort of action id 7f000101:904f:4a79f497:75 invoked while multiple threads active within it.
      18:29:47,602 WARN [arjLoggerI18N] [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.CheckedAction_2] - CheckedAction::check - atomic action 7f000101:904f:4a79f497:75 aborting with 1 threads active!

      10 seconds later (just after sleep) the code that interacts with RDBMS is executed

      18:29:52,788 INFO [CompraFacade] #### - INICIO Comienza Compra .......

      18:29:53,138 FATAL [JEEConnectionProvider] Ocurrio un error al intentar establecer una conexión con la base de datos.
      org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Transaction is not active: tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: 7f000101:904f:4a79f497:75 status: ActionStatus.ABORTED >; - nested throwable: (javax.resource.ResourceException: Transaction is not active: tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: 7f000101:904f:4a79f497:75 status: ActionStatus.ABORTED >)

      From my point of view, what it really happens is that the @TransactionTimeout(15) is not working with CMP, but, if i change the transaction management to BMP it does work. I' m lost, does anyone have one explanation for this weird behavior?.


      Any help would be very very appreciated.
