1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 21, 2009 12:04 AM by jaikiran

    EJB3 PoolSize annotation overide

      I am using EJB3 on Jboss 5 AS. The MDB have annotions defined for the MaxPoolSIze. I want to overide it so I used aop-domain-name to define the new MaxPoolSize in new custom-aop.xml file. The aop-domain-name was defined in jboss.xml and EJB does find the aop-domain-name correctly but the MaxPoolSize defined as a annotaton in EJB class file does not get ovverridden with the value in custom-aop.xml file.

      Only if the drop the annotation in the class file the MaxPoolSize defined in cutom-aop.xml file takes effect, but it doesn't override if the annotation is already defined in EJB class file. Any tips from EJB gurus.
