4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 2, 2008 4:57 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Change in


      We have writtem custom JSF tags that incorporate the rich:datascroller.
      We pass in the id of the rich:dataTable in our custom tag and the datascroller has been happily using this in versions up until 3.1.4.SR1. I changed to 3.2.0.GA today and now without any other code changes, I get an error:
      could not find dataTable for datascroller j_id171. When we hard-code the id of the dataTable in the "for" attribute of the rich:datascoller, it all works OK.

      Has there been a change to the way the for attribute is handled in the datascroller?

        • 1. Re: Change in for attribute of datascroller in 3.2.0.GA

          The subject of this thread got wiped out. It was meant to read

          Change in for attribute of datascroller in 3.2.0.GA

          • 2. Re: Change in

            similar problem - this code does not work any longer in 3.2.0.GA

            <h:form id="countryListForm">
             <h:outputText value="#{messages['no_data_found']}" rendered="#{empty countryList.resultList}" />
             <h:dataTable id="countryList" var="country" value="#{countryList.resultList}" rows="10"
             rendered="#{not empty countryList.resultList}">
             <f:facet name="header">
             <rich:datascroller id="countryListDataScroller" for="countryList" align="left" maxPages="5"/>

            I also have problems with explicit id of h:form:

            <h:form id="myForm>
             <h:outputText value="#{messages['no_data_found']}" rendered="#{empty countryList.resultList}" />
             <h:dataTable id="countryList" var="country" value="#{countryList.resultList}" rows="10"
             rendered="#{not empty countryList.resultList}">
             <f:facet name="header">
             <rich:datascroller id="countryListDataScroller" for="myForm:countryList" align="left" maxPages="5"/>

            gives me an illegal argument exception:
            java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: myForm
             at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.findComponent(UIComponentBase.java:588)
             at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.RendererUtils.findComponentFor(RendererUtils.java:849)
             at org.richfaces.component.UIDatascroller.getDataTable(UIDatascroller.java:214)
             at org.richfaces.component.UIDatascroller.getPageCount(UIDatascroller.java:333)

            • 3. Re: Change in
              • 4. Re: Change in

                thanks! will be examined.