1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 21, 2005 4:54 PM by tom.elrod

    Unable to connect with my Server



      When I get the InitialContext(env) by passing the following information :
      , java.naming.factory.initial=org.jboss.naming.HttpNamingContextFactory
      , jnp.discoveryTimeout=5000, jnp.timeout=5000
      , java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces
      , jnp.sotimeout=5000

      I get the following exception :
      javax.naming.CommunicationException: Operation failed [Root exception is java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: http://hostname:80/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet

      But this work well within my local network but when I try to connect with my server throuh WAN I get this issue .According to my understanding this is due to that my server IP address is resolved to server HostName.Can anyone help me in solving this issue.
