1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 14, 2006 12:03 AM by tom.elrod




      I have multiple POJOs which should be remotable. When I look at the TransportServer class, I can register only one POJO to a socket port. Is it possible to register more than one remotable POJO to one socket port? Is this completly wrong what I want to do?


        • 1. Re: Transporters

          Good question. Answer is currently only one pojo can be registered per TransportServer. Thus, would have to create a TransportServer per pojo you want to call on remotely.

          However, being able to register multiple pojos with the same transport server should be allowed, I have created a jira issue for this (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBREM-413) and have already fixed the code in CVS HEAD, along with a sample of how to do it.