3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 17, 2007 8:18 PM by tom.elrod

    Transport Compression with JBossWS


      Is Remoting used with JBossWS and if so can it be used to configure transport compression? I am using JBossWS-1.0.4.GA along with JBossAS-4.0.4.GA. According to what I have read JBoss Remoting has pluggable data marshallers and on the Wiki it states that there exists data compression marshallers/unmarshallers for compression of large payloads. Is there a configuration file that I can modify so that my JBoss Web Services Clients and Providers use the CompressingMarshaller and CompressingUnMarshaller? Is there another way to get transport compression to work with JBoss Web Services?



        • 1. Re: Transport Compression with JBossWS

          Remoting is used with JBossWS on the client side (the server side is deployed within a web container). I still think would be possible to make work from client side since web servers accept compress requests, however I don't know exactly how JBossWS exposes configuration for remoting within their client.

          • 2. Re: Transport Compression with JBossWS


            Last week I looked at the code and it looks like JBoss Web Services would require Remoting 2.0.0 with the JBREM-425 http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBREM-425;jsessionid=506E94EEC425428E9D0B647DBCB56E7C fix. The JBoss Web Services client would need to make the proper invoke call to add "Accept-Encoding", "x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate" or something like that to the HTTP header that gets sent out. Please correct me if I am wrong. Also from looking at the Web Services code it looks like the remoting configuration is not exposed.



            • 3. Re: Transport Compression with JBossWS

              So this can be done via remoting by adding entry in header map passed into remoting clinet, such as:

              headerProps.put("Accept-Encoding", "x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate");

              but don't think there is a mapping for this within jbossws (as you said). Guess can create a feature request in jira for the jbossws team.