1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 14, 2007 2:43 PM by tom.elrod

    CSV data in socket connection.


      Hi guys!

      I am newbie with JBoss Remoting.
      The task is to create demarshaller for comma-separated values in socket.
      Client (written in C++, and couldn't be patched) doesn't use JBoss Remoting, it just open raw socket connection and send data.
      I ve tried to use xml descriptor:

       <mbean code="org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector"
       display-name="Socket transport Connector">
       <!--<attribute name="InvokerLocator">-->
       <attribute name="Configuration">
       <invoker transport="socket">
       <attribute name="serverBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
       <attribute name="serverBindPort">7777</attribute>
       <attribute name="dataType" isParam="true">psp</attribute>
       <attribute name="unmarshaller" isParam="true">my.server.remoting.MyUnMarshaller</attribute>
       <handler subsystem="my">my.server.remoting.MyServerInvocationHandler</handler>

      But JBoss says header is invalid. How should i configure my connector?

        • 1. Re: CSV data in socket connection.

          My first guess would be that remoting is trying to read off the first byte to get the remoting version of the client (which it does by default). To turn this off so that all the bytes, including the first, are read into the unmarshaller, can set a system property of 'jboss.remoting.pre_2_0_compatible' to false.