1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 1, 2008 2:53 PM by nbelaevski

    The cool new combobox and suggestValues


      Hey ho! I'm trying the cool new combobox and it doesn't quite want to work.

      The question it kinda boils down is: what should the session bean side side look like? The examples show only the presentation side.

      So, my presentation side:

      <rich:comboBox style="width:125px;" maxlength="50" height="170"
      width="250" styleClass="#{invalid?'errorInput':''}"
      suggestionValues="#{listFactory.suggestOrt}" >


      and my session bean side:

      (2 methods cos i wasnt sure about which signature is expected. i thought ONE of them has to match ferkrissakes!)

      public List suggestOrt(Object suggest) {
      String input = suggest.toString();
      input = input.toLowerCase() + "%";
      input = input.replaceAll("\\*", "%");
      log.info("Suggestsuche nach: " + input);
      return entityManager
      "select o from Ausbildungsort o where lower(o.ausbildungsort) like :input order by o.ausbildungsort")
      .setParameter("input", input).getResultList();

      public List suggestOrt() {
      String input = "";
      input = input.toLowerCase() + "%";
      input = input.replaceAll("\\*", "%");
      log.info("Suggestsuche nach: " + input);
      return entityManager
      "select o from Ausbildungsort o where lower(o.ausbildungsort) like :input order by o.ausbildungsort")
      .setParameter("input", input).getResultList();

      the error message is:

      "property suggestOrt not found on type org.javaassist.tmp.java.lang.Object_$$_javaassist_11"

      now whats that mean?

      thanks in advance
