1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 15, 2008 11:42 AM by dmlloyd

    Remoting 3 sample code?


      I have just started using Remoting framework and was working on 2.5 version so far. I just downloaded the 3.0 Beta1 version. As expected there have been changes to the core APIs of Remoting and given that it still in early stages, there's not much documentation available.

      I was looking around to find some API usage document or code which would help me try out a few things with Remoting 3. I did find some "samples" in the Remoting 3 SVN http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossremoting/remoting3/trunk/samples/. When the next Beta is released and until the documentation becomes available, would it be possible to include these samples as part of the distribution, for new users to get started quickly?