1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 17, 2009 2:16 PM by ron_sigal

    version confusion


      I want to evaluate Remoting as a replacement for RMI. Looking at the homepage, downloads, news, jira, ... I got slightly confused about what the latest version of Remoting really is.

      Should I take 3.0.0.GA from http://www.jboss.org/jbossremoting/downloads/3.x? Or is 2.5.1 still current -- only the betas of version 3.x are mentioned on the main download page: http://www.jboss.org/jbossremoting/downloads, and there is also no official announcement for the 3.0.0.GA version. Or is there a 3.1.0 somewhere, since it is already mentioned on the JIRA tracker https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBREM?

      Well, as I said, I am confused. Please point me to the correct version. Thanks!

        • 1. Re: version confusion

          I can tell you that Remoting 2 is entering the twilight of its lifetime, though I expect it to be in active maintenance mode for a few years. That is, there won't be much new development, but I'll continue to fix bugs. It's in some of our products supported by contacts, so we're obligated to keep it working. So I think it's safe to start using Remoting 2.

          Remoting 3 will be the Remoting of the future. David Lloyd could tell you more about the status of Remoting 3, but I believe 3.0.0.GA is missing some functionality. I believe 3.1.0 will be more "featureful", and the next release will be 3.1.0.CR1. I can't tell you when it will appear. Remoting 3 will have the advantage of being in active development, so, if there's a feature you want, you're more likely to get it Remoting 3 than in Remoting 2.