9 Replies Latest reply on Mar 14, 2007 5:24 PM by bassualdo

    Using beans from other spring module


      I guess to is pretty newbie question, but I will ask it anyway...

      How to use beans from other spring module?

      I have 2 spring modules, where the other module need beans from the other.


      Here the application.spring need a bean from the core.spring.

      Bean configuration from the application.spring spring-jboss.xml:

      <bean id="MessageManager"
       <property name="cache">
       <property name="proxyInterface">
       <property name="jndiName">
       <property name="expectedType" value="com.core.MessageManagerImpl"/>

      This does not work, because the bean in JNDI tree is the ApplicationContext. So how I can use the ApplicationContext to create the reference to the right bean( other words, get the bean from the ApplicationContext)?
      I know that I could make inside bean( give context in and get it from there), but I want to do it in onfiguration file.

        • 1. Re: Using beans from other spring module


          "jussi_po" wrote:


          Instead of BeanFactory you must use ParentBeanFactory - to reference parent BF, which core.spring is to application.spring.
          --> http://java.sys-con.com/read/180386.htm

          • 2. Re: Using beans from other spring module

            Ok, that helped and I got bit ahead.

            But now, when I use those classes in another spring module, the second spring module is bind to the first modules application context. Meaning that the classes from second module are actually inside first.

            2 spring modules:

            First module(core.spring) jboss-spring.xml:

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans-2.0.dtd">
            <bean name="MessageManager"
             <property name="hibernateTemplate">
             <ref bean="hibernateTemplate" />

            The jndi config file of this(I'm not sure that I'm doing this right):
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans-2.0.dtd">
            <bean id="MessageManager"
             <property name="cache">
             <property name="proxyInterface">
             <property name="jndiName">

            And then In other spring module(second.spring), I try to use the beans from the first module:
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans-2.0.dtd">
             <import resource="jndi_core.xml" />
            <bean name="MbloxConverter"
             <property name="messageManager">
             <ref bean="MessageManager" />

            This second.spring module is actually bind to the JNDI as "core.spring", and I guess it is because of the import in config file.

            And also I have other module(spring) which uses the beans from both of those modules, and it won't find the bean from second.spring module.

            Or should I just make a one spring module?(I prefer to keep them separate)

            • 3. Re: Using beans from other spring module

              First, do not use this - import resource="jndi_core.xml".

              There is a straight hierarchy, as in Java hierarchy model - just a single extend.

              Read the article: http://java.sys-con.com/read/180386.htm

              Name your contexts (via BeanFactory=(name1)), and the reference them in child context via ParentBeanFactory=(name1).
              The order of hierarchy deployment is important!

              If you do this as it should be done, this is not true:
              "Meaning that the classes from second module are actually inside first."

              • 4. Re: Using beans from other spring module

                Ok, I aleady pointed you to the article - never mind (if you read it, otherwise do it :-).

                It is pretty simple, simple tree name + ordered deployment.

                • 5. Re: Using beans from other spring module

                  Now it works. ( Should have really read the article..).

                  But one thing is still unclear. To use beans in web application, like in ejb3, InjectionInterceptor is use to inject beans. Should I use that in web application or is there easier way to get the Application Context from jndi in war?

                  • 6. Re: Using beans from other spring module

                    As you are probably aware it is trivial to get Spring application context into web layer.
                    JBoss/Spring is mainly integration between Spring application context and EJB layer.
                    But you can always have common Spring beans and integrate them with both layers - some utils, resources, ...
                    But this can be replaced with injecting this beans into EJB layer and then do a lookup from web to EJB and use EJB as a facade / delegation for acessing those Spring beans.

                    • 7. Re: Using beans from other spring module

                      I was just thinking that would it work if I would create a bean with ApplicationContext awareness, and then add the application context from JNDI as parent context to that bean's context... All this in war. It could mess things up, but I will test it.

                      Or otherwise I will do a delegate classes or some kind of proxy classes.

                      • 8. Re: Using beans from other spring module

                        I solved this by using Delegate class from web application to access Spring module beans. I defined business services for the web application, I tried to make the web application as slim as possible.

                        Made a delegate class which extends the business interface. And for that class I get the business class from the Application Context.

                        public class BusinessSearchDelegateImpl implements BusinessSearch {
                         private ApplicationContext springModuleContext;
                         private final String BEAN = "BusinessSearchService";
                         public void setSpringModuleContext(ApplicationContext springModuleContext) {
                         this.springModuleContext = springModuleContext;
                         private BusinessSearch getSearchService()
                         throws TechnicalException {
                         if (springModuleContext.containsBean(BEAN)) {
                         BusinessSearch service = (GenericSearchService) springModuleContext
                         return service;
                         } else {
                         LOG.error("Component with name(" + BEAN + ") not found. ");
                         throw new TechnicalException("Component with name(" + BEAN
                         + ") not found. ");
                        public Customer findCustomer(String id) throws TechnicalException {
                         return getSearchService().findCustomer(id);

                        This class is configured in web application context as following:
                        <!-- Business Service beans -->
                         <bean id="BusinessContext"
                         <property name="cache">
                         <property name="jndiName">
                         <bean id="BusinessSearchDelegate"
                         <property name="springModuleContext">
                         <ref bean="BusinessContext" />

                        And then that BusinessSearchDelegate is given to those controllers which needs the business services.

                        I made it his way, and best thing was that I could add this delegate class to our utility jar, which is a jar module in ear file.

                        • 9. Re: Using beans from other spring module


                          I'm trying to use your approach with delegation.
                          I'm running JBoss 4.0.4 and Spring 2.0.2
                          But when it comes to the injection of the BusinessContext into BusinessSearchDelegateImpl I got a strange exception:
                          Cannot convert value of type
                          [org.jboss.spring.factory.NamedXmlApplicationContext] to required
                          type [org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext] for property
                          'springModuleContext': no matching editors or conversion strategy found

                          I assume that smth is wrong with my deployment and/or class loading. Do you have any kind of a working sample (lie JBoss-Stpring.ear) that you can send me?

                          Probably I just need to compile the deployer against my runtime, but honestly, I got lost in the build script....

                          Any help would be very appreciated.