2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2008 12:02 PM by glenti

    richfaces 3.2.0 <a4j:support> related to <h:outputText>


      Hi all,
      I upgraded from richfaces 3.1.4, JSF 1.1, tomcat 5.5 to
      richfaces 3.2.0
      JSF 1.2_08-FCS
      tomcat 6.0.16

      Now <a4j:support> doesn't work if related to <h:outputText>. It was working fine in the previous release.

      Here is he code

      <h:outputText value="#{dipendenteBean.currentUser.cdc.descrizione}" styleClass="outputNotFiltered" rendered="#{! dipendenteBean.filtro.filteredField['cdc']}">
       <a4j:support event="onclick" action="#{dipendenteBean.filterUserList}" oncomplete="updFilter();">
       <a4j:actionparam value="cdc" assignTo="#{dipendenteBean.nomeCampo}"></a4j:actionparam>

      I need to click on an outputtext to fire up the method dipendenteBean.filterUserList with dipendenteBean.nomeCampo parameter.

      If I add the same <a4j:support> to <h:commandButton>, like in the example below, it works fine.

      <h:commandButton value="#{dipendenteBean.currentUser.cdc.descrizione}" styleClass="outputNotFiltered" rendered="#{! dipendenteBean.filtro.filteredField['cdc']}" >
       <a4j:support event="onclick" action="#{dipendenteBean.filterUserList}" oncomplete="updFilter();">
       <a4j:actionparam value="cdc" assignTo="#{dipendenteBean.nomeCampo}"></a4j:actionparam>

      Can somebody help me?