7 Replies Latest reply on Aug 19, 2005 11:03 AM by brittm

    How do I get a list of nodes?


      I've got the following process definition:

      <process-definition name="traspaso_propiedad">
       <start-state name="start">
       <transition to="s" />
       <state name="s">
       <transition to="end" />
       <end-state name="end">

      I'm trying to get a list of nodes to print out each name, my code is:
      Iterator istates = myProcessDefinition.getNodes().iterator();
       while (istates.hasNext()){
       Node tempNode = (Node)istates.next();
       System.out.println("NODE NAME: " + tempNode.getName());

      But it prints nothing, i've checked and the list of nodes is empty, any idea about what am I missing?

        • 1. Re: How do I get a list of nodes?

          My code to pring out the node names looks almost like yours. I would guess that the myProcessDefinition valirable doesn't contain your process. Try printing out myProcessDefinition.getName() as see if you get "traspaso_propiedad".

          • 2. Re: How do I get a list of nodes?

            I tried to print out the process definition name and i get "traspaso_propiedad". I've also checked in the database the table jbpm_node and the nodes are there with the correct process definition. Can't figure out what's wrong maybe something about beginTranscation() and commitTransaction()?

            • 3. Re: How do I get a list of nodes?

              Is the call to ProcessDefinition.getNodes() placed before you close your JbpmSession? Almost everything from the jBPM database is lazily loaded, and an empty collection is a typical symptom of a closed session.

              • 4. Re: How do I get a list of nodes?

                I looked at my code and I have a beginTransaction before doing anything, and a commitTransaction after printing out all the names.

                • 5. Re: How do I get a list of nodes?

                  Now it works, i've looked in the jbpm_processdefinition table and checked that, actually there were two rows with the same version of the same processdefinition but in jpmb_node table all my nodes belonged to the second one, removing the first row has corrected the problem, now I must check why the "empty" :P thanks to everyone for the help ;)

                  • 6. Re: How do I get a list of nodes?

                    Finally I've found out why there were two records for each process definition version, it was because my code to add one new process definition looked like:

                    ProcessDefinition myProcessDefinition = ProcessDefinition.parseXmlResource(myProcessDefinitionFile);

                    But GraphSession.saveProcessDefinition() saves it with its own transaction.
                    By removing my beginTransaction()/commitTransaction() the problem has been solved.

                    • 7. Re: How do I get a list of nodes?

                      I can't see how nested transacitons should duplicate the entry. That sounds more to me like a bug. I had come to the conclusion that


                      simply does not properly support versioning of the process definition. I use the following code instead and never have any problems:
                       ProcessArchiveDeployer pad = new ProcessArchiveDeployer(jbpmSessionFactory);
                       String resource = request.getParameter("file");
                       if(resource.toUpperCase().endsWith(".XML")) {
                       FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(resource);
                       ProcessDefinition pd = ProcessDefinition.parseXmlInputStream(fis);
                       //jbpmSession.getGraphSession().saveProcessDefinition(pd); //does not handle versioning
                       }else if(resource.toUpperCase().endsWith(".PAR")) {
