4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 19, 2005 2:08 PM by mdonato

    newbie + integration jbpm + deploy websale.par problems


      Hello All, nice to subscribe!

      i'll describe my environment and my problem!

      I work in a software-house, and we are using java to develop new version of one system, and we are using java (j2ee,jdb,ejb,etc..) for it, and we choice jbpm for workflow process to handle state and flow of some process in the application.

      my problem is : i'm trying to integrate with jbpm, and i found a problem when deploying the websale.par process definition, but i got some erros on it, i'll post it above:

      3202688 DEBUG ctx:[[businessdelegate=WorkflowBusinessDelegate.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)]] - iniciando metodo: WorkflowBusinessDelegate.java::publicarProcesso(processVo)
      3202688 DEBUG ctx:[[businessdelegate=WorkflowBusinessDelegate.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)] [sessionFacade=WorkflowSessionFacadeBean.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)]] - iniciando metodo: WorkflowSessionFacadeBean.java::publicarProcesso(processVo)
      3202688 DEBUG ctx:[[businessdelegate=WorkflowBusinessDelegate.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)] [sessionFacade=WorkflowSessionFacadeBean.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)] [classe=MainWorkflow.java, method=deployProcessDefinition(zipInputStream)]] - iniciando metodo: MainWorkflow.java::deployProcessDefinition(zipInputStream)

      [14/09/05 15:36:32:531 GMT-03:00] 43432b98 JpdlXmlReader W org.jbpm.jpdl.xml.JpdlXmlReader process xml warning: swimlane 'buyer' does not have an assignment
      Hibernate: select processdef0_.ID_ as col_0_0_ from JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION processdef0_ where processdef0_.NAME_=? order by processdef0_.VERSION_ desc
      [14/09/05 15:36:33:312 GMT-03:00] 43432b98 SystemOut O Hibernate: insert into JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (NAME_, VERSION_, ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_, STARTSTATE_) values (?, ?, ?, ?) select scope_identity()
      [14/09/05 15:36:33:312 GMT-03:00] 43432b98 JDBCException W org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter SQL Error: 195, SQLState: HY000
      [14/09/05 15:36:33:312 GMT-03:00] 43432b98 JDBCException E org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter [IBM][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]'scope_identity' is not a recognized function name.
      [14/09/05 15:36:33:312 GMT-03:00] 43432b98 JDBCException W org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter SQL Error: 8180, SQLState: HY000
      [14/09/05 15:36:33:312 GMT-03:00] 43432b98 JDBCException E org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter [IBM][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Statement(s) could not be prepared.
      [14/09/05 15:36:33:328 GMT-03:00] 43432b98 GraphSession E org.jbpm.db.GraphSession org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not insert: [org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition]
      [14/09/05 15:36:33:328 GMT-03:00] 43432b98 SystemOut O 3203579 DEBUG ctx:[[businessdelegate=WorkflowBusinessDelegate.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)] [sessionFacade=WorkflowSessionFacadeBean.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)] [classe=MainWorkflow.java, method=deployProcessDefinition(zipInputStream)]] - finalizando metodo: MainWorkflow.java::deployProcessDefinition(zipInputStream)
      3203579 DEBUG ctx:[[businessdelegate=WorkflowBusinessDelegate.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)] [sessionFacade=WorkflowSessionFacadeBean.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)]] - finalizando metodo: metodo=WorkflowSessionFacadeBean.java::publicarProcesso(processVo)
      3203579 DEBUG ctx:[[businessdelegate=WorkflowBusinessDelegate.java, method=publicarProcesso(processVo)]] - finalizando metodo: WorkflowBusinessDelegate.java::publicarProcesso(processVo)

      Please, i need help to do this work!

      Some replayes will be very appriciated!

      thanks in advice!

      j2ee, dao, session Bean, struts, tiles, jsp, log4j, quartz, jboss, websphere, mssql, oracle, db2/400 and now jbpm

        • 1. Re: newbie + integration jbpm + deploy websale.par problems

          Some one can help me on this????

          • 2. Re: newbie + integration jbpm + deploy websale.par problems

            Can you attach your processdefinition.xml


            • 3. Re: newbie + integration jbpm + deploy websale.par problems


              "susantpatnaik" wrote:
              Can you attach your processdefinition.xml


              The file is the same that come with download file, but ill post it!

              Thanks for att.

              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

              <process-definition name="websale">

              <!-- SWIMLANES (= process roles) -->

              <!-- NODES -->

              <start-state name="create new web sale order">


              <task-node name="evaluate web order">



              <task-node name="fix web order data">


              <task-node name="wait for money">


              accountancy application is now informed of the payment

              ${shipper} now ships ${item} to ${address}

              <end-state name="end" />


              • 4. Re: newbie + integration jbpm + deploy websale.par problems


                "susantpatnaik" wrote:
                Can you attach your processdefinition.xml


                Sorry, now its here

                <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <process-definition name="websale">
                 <!-- SWIMLANES (= process roles) -->
                 <swimlane name="buyer" />
                 <swimlane name="salesman">
                 <assignment expression="user(ernie)" />
                 <swimlane name="accountant">
                 <assignment expression="user(bert)" />
                 <swimlane name="shipper">
                 <assignment expression="user(grover)" />
                 <!-- NODES -->
                 <start-state name="create new web sale order">
                 <task swimlane="buyer">
                 <variable name="item" />
                 <variable name="quantity" />
                 <variable name="address" />
                 <transition to="evaluate web order" />
                 <task-node name="evaluate web order">
                 <task swimlane="salesman">
                 <timer duedate="20 seconds" repeat="10 seconds">
                 <action class="org.jbpm.websale.RemindActor">
                 <variable name="item" access="read"/>
                 <variable name="quantity" access="read"/>
                 <variable name="address" access="read"/>
                 <variable name="comment"/>
                 <transition name="ok" to="salefork" />
                 <transition name="more info needed" to="fix web order data" />
                 <task-node name="fix web order data">
                 <task swimlane="buyer">
                 <variable name="comment" access="read"/>
                 <variable name="item" />
                 <variable name="quantity" />
                 <variable name="address" />
                 <transition to="evaluate web order" />
                 <fork name="salefork">
                 <transition name="payment" to="wait for money" />
                 <transition name="shipping" to="ship item" />
                 <task-node name="wait for money">
                 <task swimlane="accountant">
                 <variable name="item" access="read" />
                 <variable name="quantity" access="read" />
                 <variable name="address" access="read" />
                 <variable name="money received" />
                 <transition to="update books" />
                 <node name="update books">
                 <action class="org.jbpm.websale.UpdateBooks">
                 <msg>accountancy application is now informed of the payment</msg>
                 <transition to="salejoin" />
                 <node name="ship item">
                 <action class="org.jbpm.websale.ShipItem">
                 <msg>${shipper} now ships ${item} to ${address}</msg>
                 <transition to="salejoin" />
                 <join name="salejoin">
                 <transition to="end" />
                 <end-state name="end" />