1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 19, 2005 11:53 AM by msegvich

    newbie Question--process deployment issue- hibernate.cfg.xml


      Hello Friends,
      I am exploring open source workflow solutions in order to integrate one with our existing product line. As part of the process I had downloaded the eclipse plugin for jBPM Process development workshop. I was able to generate a simple PD based on the sample provided with the jBPM getting started tutorial.

      However I have had several problems when I tried to deploy it to a Tomcat based jBPM server using the ant scripts. Eventually I was able to resolve most of the incompatibility issues. Below is the ant file I am trying to use to deploy the archive.

      <project name="Hello_jBPM" default="deploy.par" basedir=".">
       <property environment="env" />
       <property name="DEPLOY_FOLDER" value="."/>
       <property name="SOURCE" value="../"/>
       <property name="LIBRARIES" value="../lib"/>
       <property name="CLASSPATH" value= "$LIBRARIES/jbpm-3.0.jar"/>
       <property name="JBPM_HOME" value= "../../../../jbpm-3.0"/>
       <target name="deploy.par" >
       <taskdef name= "deploypar" classname="org.jbpm.ant.DeployParTask" classpath = "../lib/jbpm-3.0.jar;../lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;../lib/hibernate3.jar">
       <deploypar par="src/process/Hello.par" />

      Below is the error I am gettting:

      Build Failed:
      C:\eclipse\workspace\Hello_jBPM\ant\build.xml:13: couldn't deploy process archives : couldn't create JbpmSessionFactory: couldn't create configuration: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found

      Can some one show me the light? As I said above I would like to deploy the process into jBPM embedded in Tomcat. Not sure what else to do. I have downloaded jBPM 3.0 and also hsqldb separately as well.

      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: newbie Question--process deployment issue- hibernate.cfg

          The hibernate properties file must be in your classpath. One simple thing to try is to put the file in your WEB-INF\classes directory since that will get picked up automatically.

          On a different, but related note, you'll have to edit the JbpmSessionFactory if you don't use JNDI. Which your version of Tomcat may not support. There's a good article in the forum that describes what you need to do for this.