10 Replies Latest reply on Oct 21, 2005 2:35 AM by kukeltje

    Error in build.xml


      I have created a project with eclipse, from menu: file/new/other->Process Project, project's name is "New".
      I don't change everthing, all codes is default.
      Then, i add a "build.xml" file:

      <project name="New" basedir ="." default="deploy.par">
       <target name="deploy.par">
       <taskdef name="deploypar" classname="org.jbpm.ant.DeployParTask" classpath="c:/jbpm/jbpm/build/jbpm-3.0.1.jar"/>
       <deploypar par="C:/jbpm/jbpm/build/new.par" properties="C:/eclipse/workspace/New/src/config.files/hibernate.properties"/>

      don't have any error with eclipse, but when i run build.xml with "Ant Build", i have an error:

      Buildfile: C:\eclipse\workspace\New\build.xml
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
      Total time: 344 milliseconds

      what is this, what should i do ???
      please help me.

        • 1. Re: Error in build.xml

          You will need to add the apache commons logging library to your classpath. It's available here: http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/#The%20Commons%20Proper. There are a bunch of other dependencies, too. I don't have a complete list off the top of my head, but you'll encounter the same error (but different classes missing) until you've set your classpath to include them all. All the required libraries should be included somewhere in your jBPM download, though.

          • 2. Re: Error in build.xml

            if you create your own build.xml file, make sure all required libraries are on the ant classpath. See the build.xml file in jbpm.3.

            • 3. Re: Error in build.xml


              "kukeltje" wrote:
              if you create your own build.xml file, make sure all required libraries are on the ant classpath. See the build.xml file in jbpm.3.

              Thanks for the repplys.
              I did it, but have new errors.
              I changed my code to:
              <project name="New" basedir ="." default="deploy.par">
               <path id="classpath">
               <fileset dir="c:/jbpm/jbpm" includes="*.jar" />
               <fileset dir="c:/jbpm/jbpm/build" includes="*.jar" />
               <fileset dir="c:/hibernate" includes="*.jar" />
               <fileset dir="C:/portal/ext/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
               <fileset dir="C:/ant/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
               <target name="deploy.par">
               <taskdef name="deploypar" classname="org.jbpm.ant.DeployParTask">
               <classpath refid="classpath"/>
               <deploypar par="C:/jbpm/jbpm/build/new.par" properties="C:/eclipse/workspace/New/src/config.files/hibernate.properties"/>

              This code will includes some .jar files need to deploy, but occur an error:
              Buildfile: C:\eclipse\workspace\New\build.xml
              [deploypar] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.jbpm.ant.AntTaskJbpmSessionFactory).
              [deploypar] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
              BUILD FAILED
              java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: bsh/EvalError

              I don't know "bsh.EvalError" parkage and coun't find it. I think if i have the "bsh.EvalError" and include it into my project, of course this error will not occur, but perhap some other errors can occurs so it very long to correct this file.
              Please correct it for me, or give some simple examples.
              Thank you very much.

              • 4. Re: Error in build.xml

                then you still mis some libs. Try putting all libs in the jbpm.3 lib dir on the classpath. Then you probably have to much but it will work

                • 5. Re: Error in build.xml

                  Thanks for the repply.
                  I returned to the GPD way, it's ok.
                  But i can find where my data is stored ?? You can give me a guide ?
                  Thanks very much.

                  • 6. Re: Error in build.xml

                    And How can i config Database Engine for jBPM Server(defaul: H_SQL)?
                    for exam: default is Postgres Database Engine, not HSQL.
                    What must i do ?

                    • 7. Re: Error in build.xml

                      what data? the par file created by the deployer? The par file in the engine? please can you be a bit more clear?

                      • 8. Re: Error in build.xml

                        Example, bellow is my configs.


                        Where is data of my project saved ??
                        I think it will save in my Postgres Database Engine, but i can't find anything change in my Postgres Database, so where is it saved??
                        Please help me, thanks.

                        • 9. Re: Error in build.xml

                          That code is in src/config.files -> hibernate.properties.
                          In my project with eclipse GPD.

                          • 10. Re: Error in build.xml

                            the jbpm.sar (if you use that also contains one of these config files. That one is used for running the processes. Search the source dirs and you will see.
