1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 31, 2005 7:15 AM by kukeltje

    Parameters passing in Action handler on a


      How comes that if the action handler is set on the "node-leave" event the parameters are not passed at all ?
      If I set the action handler on the "node-enter" event, all is working file and the parameters are seen in the handler ?
      Is it a known bug ?
      Thanks for your replies.

      task-node name="sendEstimation"
      ..task swimlane="mailer"
      ......variable name="handler" access="read" /
      ......variable name="estimation" access="read" /
      ......variable name="address" /
      ..event type="node-leave"
      ....action class="com.xxx.yyy.brkr.bpm.actn.ShipItem"
      ......swimlane mailer /swimlane
      ......msg ${mailer} sends ${estimation} a ${adress} /msg
      ..transition name="estimation-sent" to="waitEstimation"/transition