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    Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}


      Hi All,

      Right now Iam playing with assignment handlers and I have many confusions.

      What will happen when we assign a task to
      [1] group
      [2] role {member ship name}

      what I expected is task should be assigned to all members of group/who matched role. But here when task is assigned to group, its not getting assigned to any user and if task is assigned based on role then its getting assigned to only one user even there exists many users with that role.

      Process Definition

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <process-definition name="tmp1swimlanetest-2">
       <!-- SWIMLANES (= process roles) -->
       <swimlane name="tosomeone">
       <assignment expression="user(rajeev)" />
       <!-- NODES -->
       <start-state name="tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-1">
       <task swimlane="tosomeone">
       <variable name="initiatorname" />
       <variable name="assignmentexpression" />
       <transition to="tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2" />
       <task-node name="tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2">
       <assignment class='com.sample.workflow.assignments.Swimlanetest2AH1' />
       <variable name="initiatorname" access="read"/>
       <variable name="assignmentexpression" access="read"/>
       <variable name="yourname"/>
       <transition to="end" />
       <end-state name="end" />

      Assignment Handler -> Swimlanetest2AH1
      package com.sample.workflow.assignments;
      import org.jbpm.graph.exe.*;
      import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.*;
      import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.Assignable;
      import org.jbpm.identity.assignment.*;
      public class Swimlanetest2AH1 extends ExpressionAssignmentHandler {
       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
       public void assign(Assignable assignable, ExecutionContext executionContext) {
       System.out.println("*********Inside Swimlanetest2AH1****");
       String strExpression = (String)executionContext.getVariable("assignmentexpression");
       System.out.println("Got expression as " + strExpression);
       System.out.println("*****Assigning based on assignment expression");
       super.expression = strExpression;
       super.assign(assignable, executionContext);
       System.out.println("*******Finished Swimlanetest2AH1*********");


      959 M 960 958
      957 M leaderofthegang 956 958
      960 M teammember 4 959
      961 M teammember 5 959
      962 M projectleader 6 959
      963 M technicalleader 7 959
      958 G hellsangels hierarchy
      959 G dummy project
      3 U bert bert@sesamestreet.tv ernie,theresabananainyourear
      956 U john
      960 U bill
      4 U siddarth siddarth
      2 U ernie ernie@sesamestreet.tv canthereyoubert,theresabananainmyear
      5 U praveen praveen
      6 U rajeev rajeev
      7 U shaileshraval shaileshraval

      Below are sample assignment tests that are performed.

      data given=


      console output=

      20:51:47,833 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:51:47,848 INFO [STDOUT] *********Inside Swimlanetest2AH1****
      20:51:47,848 INFO [STDOUT] Got expression as group(dummy)
      20:51:47,848 INFO [STDOUT] *****Assigning based on assignment expression
      20:51:47,848 DEBUG [ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving first term 'group(dummy)'
      20:51:47,848 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:51:47,848 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select group0_.ID_ as ID1_, group0_.NAME_ as NAME3_2_, group0_.TYPE_ as TYPE4_2_ from JBPM_ID_GROUP group0_ where group0_.NAME_=?
      20:51:47,864 INFO [STDOUT] *******Finished Swimlanetest2AH1*********
      20:51:47,864 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'task-create' on 'Task(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2)' for 'Token(/)'
      20:51:47,864 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select events0_.TASK_ as TASK8___, events0_.ID_ as ID1___, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2___, events0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_7_0_, events0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_7_0_, events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_7_0_ from JBPM_EVENT events0_ where events0_.TASK_=?
      20:51:47,864 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'after-signal' on 'StartState(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-1)' for 'Token(/)'
      20:51:47,864 DEBUG [TaskBean] assignmentlogs: []
      20:51:47,864 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:51:47,864 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:51:47,864 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:51:47,864 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:51:47,880 DEBUG [PersistenceContext] committing transaction
      20:51:47,880 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:51:47,880 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE (NAME_, CONVERTER_, TOKEN_, TOKENVARIABLEMAP_, PROCESSINSTANCE_, STRINGVALUE_, CLASS_, ID_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 'S', ?)

      Expected Result:: Task will be assigned to all the users in the specified group

      Question:: Why task is not assigned to any user.

      data given=

      assignmentexpression::group(dummy) --> member(projectleader)

      console output=

      20:58:26,278 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:58:26,293 INFO [STDOUT] *********Inside Swimlanetest2AH1****
      20:58:26,293 INFO [STDOUT] Got expression as group(dummy) --> member(projectleader)
      20:58:26,293 INFO [STDOUT] *****Assigning based on assignment expression
      20:58:26,293 DEBUG [ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving first term 'group(dummy)'
      20:58:26,293 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:58:26,309 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select group0_.ID_ as ID1_, group0_.NAME_ as NAME3_2_, group0_.TYPE_ as TYPE4_2_ from JBPM_ID_GROUP group0_ where group0_.NAME_=?
      20:58:26,309 DEBUG [ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving next term 'member(projectleader)'
      20:58:26,309 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select membership0_.GROUP_ as GROUP6___, membership0_.ID_ as ID1___, membership0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, membership0_.NAME_ as NAME3_3_0_, membership0_.ROLE_ as ROLE4_3_0_, membership0_.USER_ as USER5_3_0_, membership0_.GROUP_ as GROUP6_3_0_ from JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP membership0_ where membership0_.GROUP_=?
      20:58:26,340 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select user0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, user0_.NAME_ as NAME3_0_0_, user0_.EMAIL_ as EMAIL4_0_0_, user0_.PASSWORD_ as PASSWORD5_0_0_ from JBPM_ID_USER user0_ where user0_.ID_=?
      20:58:26,356 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'task-assign' on 'Task(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2)' for 'Token(/)'
      20:58:26,356 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select events0_.TASK_ as TASK8___, events0_.ID_ as ID1___, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2___, events0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_7_0_, events0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_7_0_, events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_7_0_ from JBPM_EVENT events0_ where events0_.TASK_=?
      20:58:26,372 INFO [STDOUT] *******Finished Swimlanetest2AH1*********
      20:58:26,372 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'task-create' on 'Task(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2)' for 'Token(/)'
      20:58:26,372 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'after-signal' on 'StartState(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-1)' for 'Token(/)'
      20:58:26,372 DEBUG [TaskBean] assignmentlogs: [task-assign[rajeev,org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance@14563d4]]
      20:58:26,372 INFO [STDOUT] [Debug] msg
      20:58:26,372 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      20:58:26,372 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual

      Got Expected Result


      assignmentexpression::group(dummy) --> member(technicalleader)

      console output=

      21:02:27,564 INFO [STDOUT] *********Inside Swimlanetest2AH1****
      21:02:27,564 INFO [STDOUT] Got expression as group(dummy) --> member(technicalleader)
      21:02:27,564 INFO [STDOUT] *****Assigning based on assignment expression
      21:02:27,564 DEBUG [ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving first term 'group(dummy)'
      21:02:27,564 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:02:27,564 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select group0_.ID_ as ID1_, group0_.NAME_ as NAME3_2_, group0_.TYPE_ as TYPE4_2_ from JBPM_ID_GROUP group0_ where group0_.NAME_=?
      21:02:27,564 DEBUG [ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving next term 'member(technicalleader)'
      21:02:27,580 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select membership0_.GROUP_ as GROUP6___, membership0_.ID_ as ID1___, membership0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, membership0_.NAME_ as NAME3_3_0_, membership0_.ROLE_ as ROLE4_3_0_, membership0_.USER_ as USER5_3_0_, membership0_.GROUP_ as GROUP6_3_0_ from JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP membership0_ where membership0_.GROUP_=?
      21:02:27,595 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select user0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, user0_.NAME_ as NAME3_0_0_, user0_.EMAIL_ as EMAIL4_0_0_, user0_.PASSWORD_ as PASSWORD5_0_0_ from JBPM_ID_USER user0_ where user0_.ID_=?
      21:02:27,595 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'task-assign' on 'Task(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2)' for 'Token(/)'
      21:02:27,595 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select events0_.TASK_ as TASK8___, events0_.ID_ as ID1___, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2___, events0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_7_0_, events0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_7_0_, events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_7_0_ from JBPM_EVENT events0_ where events0_.TASK_=?
      21:02:27,595 INFO [STDOUT] *******Finished Swimlanetest2AH1*********
      21:02:27,595 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'task-create' on 'Task(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2)' for 'Token(/)'
      21:02:27,595 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'after-signal' on 'StartState(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-1)' for 'Token(/)'
      21:02:27,595 DEBUG [TaskBean] assignmentlogs: [task-assign[shaileshraval,org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance@79daf5]]
      21:02:27,595 INFO [STDOUT] [Debug] msg
      21:02:27,611 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:02:27,611 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:02:27,611 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:02:27,611 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:02:27,611 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual

      Got Expected Result

      data given=

      assignmentexpression::group(dummy) --> member(teammember)

      console output=

      21:05:22,829 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:05:22,844 INFO [STDOUT] *********Inside Swimlanetest2AH1****
      21:05:22,844 INFO [STDOUT] Got expression as group(dummy) --> member(teammember)
      21:05:22,844 INFO [STDOUT] *****Assigning based on assignment expression
      21:05:22,844 DEBUG [ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving first term 'group(dummy)'
      21:05:22,844 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:05:22,844 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select group0_.ID_ as ID1_, group0_.NAME_ as NAME3_2_, group0_.TYPE_ as TYPE4_2_ from JBPM_ID_GROUP group0_ where group0_.NAME_=?
      21:05:22,876 DEBUG [ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving next term 'member(teammember)'
      21:05:22,876 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select membership0_.GROUP_ as GROUP6___, membership0_.ID_ as ID1___, membership0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, membership0_.NAME_ as NAME3_3_0_, membership0_.ROLE_ as ROLE4_3_0_, membership0_.USER_ as USER5_3_0_, membership0_.GROUP_ as GROUP6_3_0_ from JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP membership0_ where membership0_.GROUP_=?
      21:05:22,876 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select user0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, user0_.NAME_ as NAME3_0_0_, user0_.EMAIL_ as EMAIL4_0_0_, user0_.PASSWORD_ as PASSWORD5_0_0_ from JBPM_ID_USER user0_ where user0_.ID_=?
      21:05:22,876 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'task-assign' on 'Task(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2)' for 'Token(/)'
      21:05:22,876 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select events0_.TASK_ as TASK8___, events0_.ID_ as ID1___, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2___, events0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_7_0_, events0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_7_0_, events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_7_0_ from JBPM_EVENT events0_ where events0_.TASK_=?
      21:05:22,891 INFO [STDOUT] *******Finished Swimlanetest2AH1*********
      21:05:22,891 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'task-create' on 'Task(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2)' for 'Token(/)'
      21:05:22,891 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'after-signal' on 'StartState(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-1)' for 'Token(/)'
      21:05:22,891 DEBUG [TaskBean] assignmentlogs: [task-assign[siddarth,org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance@3bf9ff]]
      21:05:22,891 INFO [STDOUT] [Debug] msg
      21:05:22,891 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:05:22,891 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:05:22,891 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:05:22,891 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:05:22,907 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
      21:05:22,907 DEBUG [PersistenceContext] committing transaction
      21:05:22,907 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE (NAME_, CONVERTER_, TOKEN_, TOKENVARIABLEMAP_, PROCESSINSTANCE_, STRINGVALUE_, CLASS_, ID_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 'S', ?)

      Expected Result:: Task will be assigned to all the users whose role is teammember

      Question:: Why task is not assigned to another user, praveen but only got assigned to siddarth.

      Please clarify my problems. Is there any link where detailed in-depth examples are given for assignment handlers.

      Thanks in advance,

        • 1. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

          If you want to assign a task to a group of people, you will have to use the setPooledActors(Set) method on the taskinstance.


          • 2. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

            Hi Koen,

            By using setPooledActors() command, Iam able to assign task to multiple users. My question is by using assignment expression whether we can asssign a task to multiple users like this.


            I think test-1 is working fine as a row is created in jbpm_pooledactor and jbpm_taskactorpool tables as follows::

            1231 dummy

            1225 1231

            group(dummy) --> member(teammember)

            This expression is assigning task sometimes to praveen and sometimes to siddarth but not to both even though both are teammembers. Here Iam confused

            Also is there is any command that can show all the pooled tasks for an user(actor), I mean tasks that are assigned to groups or roles for which user is associated with should also get extracted.

            Thanks in advance.

            • 3. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

              I have digged a little bit in the expression assignment handler stuff and it seems to me there is indeed something wrong. I have not been able to reproduce the issue yet and have not a lot of time now. I'll have a closer look later. Of course if anyone else stands up to look at this, this would help us out even more ;-)


              • 4. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}


                What I undestood is we can't depond on expression assignment handler. Is there any work around for role-based assignment.

                • 5. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

                  You should be able to depend on it. The workaround may be fixing the bug in jbpm... ;-)


                  • 6. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

                    HI Koen,

                    Do you have any alternatives for role-based assignment or an idea how to do it.

                    Thanks and Regards,

                    • 7. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

                      Hi Pravin ,

                      I am excuting the same example as you written .I am getting diffculty to assign a task to the multiple user in the group.

                      I want to know how to get all the user from the Group and assign them with the setPooledActor(Set) .

                      If you share code it will be very useful

                      • 8. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}


                        If anybody could share your work of assign a task to the multiple user in the group, it would be really really useful for many members of this group.

                        I too interested in knowing how to get all the user from the Group and assign them with the setPooledActor(Set) .

                        Thanks in Adv

                        • 9. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

                          I have done like this
                          Created a group with users a, b, c etc
                          Then assigned the task like this in the process defintiionas assign =group(groupname)
                          Then fetched using findPooledtask (groupName)
                          I think this is what you asked for

                          • 10. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

                            I'm having the same problem when assigning a task to a group..

                            I created a group in the identity component (identity.db.xml), along with the users and memberships

                            < group name="administrationOD" type="administration_generale"/>
                            < membership name="administration" role="administration" user="laurence" group="administrationOD"/>
                            < membership name="comptabilite" role="comptabilite" user="violaine" group="administrationOD"/>

                            here are the users
                            < user name="violaine" email="violaine@objetdirect.com" password="violaine" />
                            < user name="laurence" email="lbattendier@objetdirect.com" password="laurence" />

                            And all these appear in the database.. so no problem until here..

                            The problem is when i assign a swimlane to a group:
                            < swimlane name="administration">
                            < assignment expression="group(administrationOD)">< /assignment>
                            < /swimlane>

                            So in this group, there is supposed to be 2 users : Violaine and Laurence
                            But when i deploy the process definition (.par) , i start a process instance (with the Laurence login), the task only appears to Laurence, and isn't even mentionned in Violaine's tasklist.

                            Maybe someone could clarify this to me: if I assign a swimlane to a group, aren't all the members of the group supposed to see the task instance created (by a member of the same group) ??
                            I checked the database and the pooledActor table is empty, as well as the taskActorPool table.
                            I just checked the JBPM_delegation table and here is what i found in it:
                            CLASSNAME_ org.jbpm.identity.assignment.ExpressionAssignmentHandler
                            CONFIGURATION_ < expression>group(administrationOD)< /expression>

                            Any ideas?

                            Thanks for the help,


                            • 11. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

                              this problem is still on the table...

                              • 12. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

                                We have implemented the JBPM and are having similar problems trying to use a group as an assignment.

                                After reading the many forums here, it appears we can modify the


                                select ti
                                from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti
                                where ti.actorId = :actorId
                                and ti.isOpen = true

                                To include something like the query posted:
                                t.ID_ AS taskid,
                                t.NAME_ AS taskname,
                                t.DESCRIPTION_ AS taskdescription,
                                u.NAME_ AS userid,
                                t.START_ AS startdate,
                                t.DUEDATE_ AS duedate,
                                t.END_ AS enddate
                                FROM jbpm_taskinstance t
                                INNER JOIN jbpm_taskactorpool p ON t.ID_ = p.TASKINSTANCE_
                                INNER JOIN jbpm_pooledactor pa ON p.POOLEDACTOR_ = pa.ID_
                                INNER JOIN jbpm_id_group g ON pa.ACTORID_ = g.NAME_
                                INNER JOIN jbpm_id_membership m ON m.GROUP_ = g.ID_
                                INNER JOIN jbpm_id_user u ON u.ID_ = m.USER_
                                WHERE t.END_ IS NUL

                                Which fetches all tasks for a user that is in any of the groups.
                                This seems to work fine.
                                How can we merge these successfully in hibernate mappings, or has there been any other solution put forward to implement the group(NAME) usage.

                                James Ratcliff

                                • 13. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

                                  Sorry, some more information for the above comment:

                                  It appears that when you assign a task to a Group(NAME) it WILL save it in the database to the appropriate group.
                                  The web interface, does not however display tasks to the users that have been assigned to their groups correctly. So it appears the first part was done correctly, just the web interface section was never implemented.

                                  This problem is referenced throughou the forums, and multiple times in the jira as well, with no good resolution.
                                  Forum: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=73106
                                  Search Forum: groups 'assignment expression'

                                  James Ratcliff

                                  • 14. Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}


                                    So is the solution at this time to replace the query in jbpm/src/java.jbpm/org/jbpm/db/hibernate.queries.hbm.xml like you suggested?


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