2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 28, 2005 9:09 AM by mdonato

    multiple timers creating more than one node instance


      Hi all,

      I still have problems with timer ... but now ... with multiple timers in diferent nodes, and when one finish, it creates the next node instance more then once!

      I dont know what to do .... i know that when using timer, i need to save processinstance ... and it's what i'm doing !

      see my process definition:

       <swimlane name="Supervisor-Cliente">
       <assignment class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.SwimlaneAssignmentHandler" config-type="bean">
       <swimlane name="Supervisor-Celula">
       <assignment class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.SwimlaneAssignmentHandler" config-type="bean">
       <swimlane name="Diretor-Operacional">
       <assignment class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.SwimlaneAssignmentHandler" config-type="bean">
       <swimlane name="Gerente-Cliente">
       <assignment class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.SwimlaneAssignmentHandler" config-type="bean">
       <swimlane name="Operador-Celula">
       <assignment class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.SwimlaneAssignmentHandler" config-type="bean">
       <swimlane name="Diretor-Geral">
       <assignment class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.SwimlaneAssignmentHandler" config-type="bean">
       <start-state name="inicio">
       <transition name="tr1" to="confirma-abertura"/>
       <task-node name="confirma-abertura">
       <task name="abertura" description="Confirmar abertura de admissoes" swimlane="Supervisor-Cliente"/>
       <event type="node-leave">
       <action name="notificar" class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.MailToSwimlaneActionHandler" config-type="bean">
       <subject>Confirmada a abertura de admissoes</subject>
       <transition name="confirmar" to="aguarda"/>
       <state name="aguarda">
       <timer duedate="1 minute" name="wait" transition="confirmar"/>
       <transition name="confirmar" to="confirma-fechamento"/>
       <task-node name="confirma-fechamento">
       <timer duedate="2 minutes" name="fechamento-timer" transition="nao" />
       <event type="node-enter">
       <variable name="count" access="read,write"/>
       <task name="fechamento" description="Confirmar fechamento de admissoes" swimlane="Supervisor-Cliente">
       <event type="task-end">
       <action name="notificar" class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.MailToSwimlaneActionHandler" config-type="bean">
       <subject>Confirmado o fechamento de admissoes</subject>
       <transition name="sim" to="termino"/>
       <transition name="nao" to="decide"/>
       <decision name="decide">
       <event type="node-enter" >
       <variable name="count" access="read,write"/>
       <transition name="nivel-0" to="Cobranca-Diretor-Geral">
       <condition>count > 10</condition>
       <transition name="nivel-1" to="Cobranca-Diretor-Geral">
       <condition>count > 8</condition>
       <transition name="nivel-2" to="Cobranca-Diretor-Geral">
       <condition>count > 3</condition>
       <transition name="nivel-3" to="Cobranca-Diretor-Geral">
       <condition>count > 0</condition>
       <task-node name="Cobranca-Diretor-Geral" >
       <task name="Cobranca-Diretor-Geral" description="Cobranca de fechamento" swimlane="Diretor-Geral">
       <event type="task-create" >
       <action name="notificar" class="br.com.glr.jbpm.handlers.MailToSwimlaneActionHandler" config-type="bean">
       <subject>Cobrar o fechamento de admissoes</subject>
       <transition name="cobrado" to="confirma-fechamento"/>
       <end-state name="termino"></end-state>

      see my thread execute code:
      public long executeTimer() throws IntegrationException {
       long millisTillNextTimerIsDue = -1;
       boolean isDueDateInPast = true;
       JbpmSession session = getJbpmSessionFactory().openJbpmSession();
       try {
       SchedulerSession schedulerSession = session.getSchedulerSession();
       logger.debug("checking for timers");
       Iterator iter = schedulerSession.findTimersByDueDate();
       while ((iter.hasNext()) && (isDueDateInPast)) {
       Timer timer = (Timer) iter.next();
       logger.debug("found timer " + timer);
       // if this timer is due
       if (timer.isDue()) {
       //session.getGraphSession().lockProcessInstance( timer.getToken().getProcessInstance() );
       logger.debug("executing timer '" + timer + "'");
       // execute
       // if there was an exception, just save the timer
       if (timer.getException() != null) {
       session.getGraphSession().saveProcessInstance( timer.getToken().getProcessInstance() );
       // if repeat is specified
       } else if (timer.getRepeat() != null) {
       // update timer by adding the repeat duration
       Date dueDate = timer.getDueDate();
       // suppose that it took the timer runner thread a
       // very long time to execute the timers.
       // then the repeat action dueDate could already have passed.
       while (dueDate.getTime() <= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
       dueDate = businessCalendar.add(dueDate, new Duration(timer.getRepeat()));
       // save the updated timer in the database
       logger.debug("saving updated timer for repetition '" + timer + "' in '" + (dueDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis()) + "' millis");
       session.getGraphSession().saveProcessInstance( timer.getToken().getProcessInstance() );
       } else {
       // delete this timer
       logger.debug("deleting timer '" + timer + "'");
       session.getGraphSession().saveProcessInstance( timer.getToken().getProcessInstance() );
       } else { // this is the first timer that is not yet due
       isDueDateInPast = false;
       millisTillNextTimerIsDue = timer.getDueDate().getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();
       } finally {
       return millisTillNextTimerIsDue;

      Please, any suggestions will be very appreciated !!!


        • 1. Re: multiple timers creating more than one node instance

          here is the result in the jbpm_taskinstance

          5496 abertura Confirmar abertura de admissoes 315633 2005-12-28 11:57:43.023 NULL 2005-12-28 11:57:50.257 NULL 3 0 0 0 474 3965 3543 7929
          5497 fechamento Confirmar fechamento de admissoes 315633 2005-12-28 11:58:53.117 NULL NULL NULL 3 0 0 0 475 3965 3543 7929
          5498 fechamento Confirmar fechamento de admissoes NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 0 1 0 475 NULL NULL 7929
          5499 Cobranca-Diretor-Geral Cobranca de fechamento 315633 2005-12-28 12:00:53.523 NULL NULL NULL 3 0 1 0 476 3965 3544 7929
          5500 Cobranca-Diretor-Geral Cobranca de fechamento NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 0 1 0 476 NULL NULL 7929

          • 2. Re: multiple timers creating more than one node instance

            When i use only



            only 1 instance of the next node is created
            but the next timer is not started!

            And when i use:

            session.getGraphSession().saveProcessInstance( timer.getToken().getProcessInstance() )

            3 instances of the next node is created! (wrong)

            and when i use :
            session.getGraphSession().saveProcessInstance( timer.getToken().getProcessInstance() )

            2 instances of the next node is created!(wrong too)