1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 13, 2006 6:23 AM by ralfoeldi

    Concurrent processInstance modification



      I'm currently evaluating jBPM for project and I have some questions :

      Suppose 2 java processes A and B trying to access concurrently the same jBPM process instance. They both begin a transaction, read the processInstance, try to execute a transition and then save and commit the changes. As I understand, one process will fail commiting the change since the other one already did it.
      Is there a way to know before committing that the processInstance is being modified ? I suppose no but, is there a pessimistic locking possible ? Or a pattern to solve the problem ?

      Is there a release date for 3.1 version ?

      Is it possible to define multiple jBPM Command Executor in a cluster ?

      Thanks in advance,