5 Replies Latest reply on Jan 25, 2006 11:26 AM by katador

    can't install jbpm webapp on jboss ugent!!


      i wan't use jbpm and jboss, but i need install on previous installed jboss, and can't use starter kits... and i copy jbpm.sar to deploy directory and works fine, but when i copy jbpm.war doesn't work, throw me this error:
      10:31:58,533 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jbpm, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/tmp40551jbpm.war/
      10:31:58,830 INFO [FacesConfigurator] Reading standard config org/apache/myfaces/resource/standard-faces-config.xml
      10:31:58,889 INFO [FacesConfigurator] Reading config jar:file:/usr/local/jboss-4.0.3SP1/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp40551jbpm.war/WEB-INF/lib/tomahawk.jar!/META-INF/faces-config.xml
      10:31:58,931 INFO [FacesConfigurator] Reading config /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
      10:31:59,259 ERROR [LocaleUtils] Locale name null or empty, ignoring
      10:32:00,089 INFO [StartupServletContextListener] ServletContext '/usr/local/jboss-4.0.3SP1/server/default/./tmp/deploy/tmp40551jbpm.war/' initialized.
      10:32:00,163 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: -22, SQLState: S0002
      10:32:00,164 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Table not found in statement [select timer0_.ID_ as col_0_0_ from JBPM_TIMER timer0_ where timer0_.EXCEPTION_ is null order by timer0_.DUEDATE_ asc]

      i really need make works today this, because i can't upload process definitions and not found documentation about how execute process through werbservices or any way, any documentation.
      if i can't put to work jbpm, i must use bonita, what it's function 100% but i prefer some native and jbpm looks better.

      well i hope you can help me...

      thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: can't install jbpm webapp on jboss ugent!!

          It looks like the sar deployment did not create the jbpm tables. Can you post the relevant log section of the startup sequence?


          • 2. Re: can't install jbpm webapp on jboss ugent!!

            Hi! thanks for answer... look i find this on log of jboss

            11:33:15,896 INFO [Environment] Hibernate 3.1
            11:33:16,009 INFO [Environment] hibernate.properties not found
            11:33:16,014 INFO [Environment] using CGLIB reflection optimizer
            11:33:16,017 INFO [Environment] using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
            11:33:16,251 INFO [Configuration] configuring from resource: jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml
            11:33:16,252 INFO [Configuration] Configuration resource: jbpm.hibernate.cfg.xml
            11:33:16,289 INFO [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource: org/jbpm/identity/User.hbm.xml
            11:33:16,598 INFO [HbmBinder] Mapping class: org.jbpm.identity.User -> JBPM_ID_USER
            11:33:16,692 INFO [HbmBinder] Mapping collection: org.jbpm.identity.User.permissions -> JBPM_ID_PERMISSIONS
            11:33:16,692 INFO [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource: org/jbpm/identity/Group.hbm.xml
            11:33:16,786 INFO [HbmBinder] Mapping class: org.jbpm.identity.Group -> JBPM_ID_GROUP
            11:33:16,793 INFO [HbmBinder] Mapping collection: org.jbpm.identity.Group.permissions -> JBPM_ID_PERMISSIONS
            and then a very very large description of this hbmbinder... then
            11:33:20,884 INFO [Configuration] Configured SessionFactory: null
            11:33:20,887 INFO [Configuration] processing extends queue
            11:33:20,887 INFO [HbmBinder] Mapping subclass: org.jbpm.context.def.ContextDefinition -> JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
            11:33:20,888 INFO [HbmBinder] Mapping subclass: org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.TaskMgmtDefinition -> JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
            11:33:20,890 INFO [Configuration] processing collection mappings
            11:33:20,890 INFO [HbmBinder] Mapping collection: org.jbpm.identity.User.memberships -> JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP

            and finally
            11:33:20,948 INFO [Configuration] processing association property references
            11:33:20,948 INFO [Configuration] processing foreign key constraints
            11:33:21,106 INFO [NamingHelper] JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
            11:33:21,109 INFO [DatasourceConnectionProvider] Using datasource: java:/DefaultDS
            11:33:21,532 INFO [SettingsFactory] RDBMS: HSQL Database Engine, version: 1.8.0
            11:33:21,533 INFO [SettingsFactory] JDBC driver: HSQL Database Engine Driver, version: 1.8.0
            11:33:21,598 INFO [Dialect] Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
            11:33:21,616 INFO [TransactionFactoryFactory] Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
            11:33:21,622 INFO [TransactionManagerLookupFactory] No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
            11:33:21,623 INFO [SettingsFactory] Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
            11:33:21,623 INFO [SettingsFactory] Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled

            11:33:22,252 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.graph.def.Node]; using defaults.
            11:33:22,359 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.instantiation.Delegation]; using defaults.
            11:33:22,594 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.Task]; using defaults.
            11:33:22,827 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition]; using defaults.
            11:33:23,042 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.graph.def.ExceptionHandler]; using defaults.
            11:33:23,046 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.module.def.ModuleDefinition]; using defaults.
            11:33:23,332 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.graph.def.Action]; using defaults.
            11:33:23,386 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.graph.def.Event]; using defaults.
            11:33:23,459 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.context.def.VariableAccess]; using defaults.
            11:33:23,630 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.graph.def.Transition]; using defaults.
            11:33:23,908 WARN [EhCacheProvider] Could not find configuration [org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.TaskController]; using defaults.
            11:33:26,608 INFO [SessionFactoryObjectFactory] Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
            11:33:26,609 INFO [SessionFactoryImpl] Checking 0 named queries
            11:33:26,609 INFO [JbpmService] binding JbpmSessionFactory 'java:/jbpm/JbpmSessionFactory' into JNDI...

            this it's a valid clue for you???

            thanks for your help

            • 3. Re: can't install jbpm webapp on jboss ugent!!

              This looks okay... But now that I think of it. You should also make sure the database is created. So you might either want to run the create database target of the build.deploy.xml file. Or else you have to copy the localDB.properties and localDB.script files from the starter's kit '%JBPM_SERVER_HOME%/server/jbpm/data/hypersonic' folder into the equivalent directory of your JBoss installation.


              • 4. Re: can't install jbpm webapp on jboss ugent!!

                i trying initially with build.deploy.xml executing ant -f build.deploy.xml create.jbpm.configuration and this fail in create db with an error... and then i choose exec build.service.archive and then build.webapp but when deploy webapp this error appear.
                well, this it's the error on create db:

                [jbpmschema] 11:53:15,644 INFO HbmBinder : Mapping subclass: org.jbpm.taskmgmt.log.SwimlaneAssignLog -> JBPM_LOG
                [jbpmschema] 11:53:15,652 INFO Configuration : Configured SessionFactory: null
                [jbpmschema] java.lang.NullPointerException
                [jbpmschema] at java.util.Properties$LineReader.readLine(Properties.java:365)
                [jbpmschema] at java.util.Properties.load(Properties.java:293)
                [jbpmschema] at org.jbpm.db.JbpmSessionFactory.createConfiguration(JbpmSessionFactory.java:122)
                [jbpmschema] at org.jbpm.db.JbpmSessionFactory.createConfiguration(JbpmSessionFactory.java:102)
                [jbpmschema] at org.jbpm.ant.AntTaskJbpmSessionFactory.createConfiguration(AntTaskJbpmSessionFactory.java:97)
                [jbpmschema] at org.jbpm.ant.AntTaskJbpmSessionFactory.getConfiguration(AntTaskJbpmSessionFactory.java:57)
                [jbpmschema] at org.jbpm.ant.JbpmSchemaTask.execute(JbpmSchemaTask.java:26)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1185)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.DefaultExecutor.executeTargets(DefaultExecutor.java:40)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:668)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:187)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:246)
                [jbpmschema] at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:67)

                BUILD FAILED
                /usr/local/jbpm-3.0.2/build.deploy.xml:45: couldn't create configuration: null

                or says me what hibernate.cfg.xml doesn't found.

                you know what's it's wrong with this?
                and i copy files that you says and throw this error:
                12:13:26,088 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jbpm, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/tmp16042jbpm.war/
                12:13:27,551 INFO [FacesConfigurator] Reading standard config org/apache/myfaces/resource/standard-faces-config.xml
                12:13:27,632 INFO [FacesConfigurator] Reading config jar:file:/usr/local/jboss-4.0.3SP1/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp16042jbpm.war/WEB-INF/lib/tomahawk.jar!/META-INF/faces-config.xml
                12:13:27,919 INFO [FacesConfigurator] Reading config /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
                12:13:28,093 ERROR [LocaleUtils] Locale name null or empty, ignoring
                12:13:29,026 INFO [StartupServletContextListener] ServletContext '/usr/local/jboss-4.0.3SP1/server/default/./tmp/deploy/tmp16042jbpm.war/' initialized.
                12:13:29,564 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: -22, SQLState: S0002
                12:13:29,564 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Table not found in statement [select timer0_.ID_ as col_0_0_ from JBPM_TIMER timer0_ where timer0_.EXCEPTION_ is null order by timer0_.DUEDATE_ asc]
                12:13:29,565 ERROR [SchedulerSession] org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query using iterate
                12:13:29,567 ERROR [JbpmSession] java.lang.NullPointerException
                12:13:29,568 ERROR [JbpmSession] couldn't rollback hibernate transaction

                thanks a lot for you answer.


                • 5. Re: can't install jbpm webapp on jboss ugent!!

                  Now jboss and jbpm works fine!!! has installed jbpm webapp and create.jbpm.configuration works fine! :D i do this using jbpm-db, choose postgresql and copy hibernate.properties created by ant to jbpm_home/src/config.files/ and create database on postfresql with scripts created and with this works... :) but how i know if works with postgresql or hsqldb, because i leave intact hibernate.cfg.xml

                  now how i can exec a process??? with webservice? how???

                  i hope what can you ask soon for implement jbpm!! :D
