1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 3, 2006 3:15 PM by tom.baeyens

    where is the PERMISSIONS.hbm.xml?


      What does the table JBPM_ID_PERMISSIONS represent? and how can we instantiate it in the identity.db.xml? I saw it in the user.hbm.xml , as well as the membership and group .hbm.xml

      there doesn't seem to be a PERMISSIONS.hbm.xml file anywhere.. how can you then create a permission ?

      Thanks in advance


        • 1. Re: where is the PERMISSIONS.hbm.xml?

          the permissions table is mapped in the user.hbm.xml and the group.hbm.xml

          the way to insert permissions are to give some permissions to a group or user object and save it with hibernate.

          we are hoping for a community contribution for adding these crud operations to the jbpm console webapp.

          regards, tom.