0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 19, 2006 5:10 AM by rafaelle

    Task doesn't end



      I have made a flow with a node like this:

       <task-node name="Wait Ftp">
       <task swimlane="user1" name="Wait Ftp"></task>
       <event type="node-enter">
       <action name="CreateTimer" class="com.ccp.myapp.actions.CreateTimerFtp">
       <transition name="tr1" to="join1"></transition>
       <transition name="timeout" to="Ftp"></transition>

      The action class "com.ccp.myapp.actions.CreateTimerFtp" creates a Timer, setting the timer's name with "Temp" and the timeout transition to "timeout". The due date is 22:00 always.

      If I close the task manually with my web browser, the transition will be "tr1". This is well coded and it works all right.

      But, if I keep task "alive", when the timer expires, the token is activated and it takes the "timeout" transition as set in timer creation, and flow continue correctly.

      The problem is that the taskinstance stills not ended. I mean, if I look at the database, in "jbpm_taskinstance" table, the "END_" field is "NULL".

      This is a problem, because the application have a "task manager" that shows all taskinstances not ended. But in this case, the task should be "expired" and not to be shown.

      What can I do??
