9 Replies Latest reply on Apr 28, 2006 11:51 AM by lethrech

    Comment redeployer l'exemple


      Salut ,je suis débutante sur JBPM ,j ai changé ds le fichier D:\jbpm-starters-kit-3.1\jbpm\src\resources\jbpm.war\layout.jsp ,pour modifier la page d'acceuil ,comment redeployer cette page pour qu elle aparaisse avec le changement que j ai effectué.


        • 1. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple

          Koen, Tom,

          I understand perfectly what the question is... answering (in French) is another question. Since you two are fluent in french I ask one of you to respond ;-)

          • 2. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple

            hi kukeltje , I undertstand well the english but I doesn't write perfectly .

            my question is : I have changed the file : D:\jbpm-starters-kit-3.1\jbpm\src\resources\jbpm.war\layout.jsp , how I redeploy this example to view the changement which I do in this JSP page . thanx

            • 3. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple

              Hi ferdaous,

              there should be an Ant task to build the WAR...
              or you can do it in a dirty way: go under \jbpm-starters-kit-3.1\jbpm-server\server\jbpm\deploy, open jbpm.war with winzip, drop your jsp in it and in a couple of seconds you changes will be visible.


              • 4. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple

                Hi luca
                I drop the the jsp page ,after that I point my internet explorer at http:\\localhost:8080\jBPM
                the graphical interface doesn't appear ,it appear just the folders in the folder jBPM\server\jBPM\deploy
                there other thing to do before pointing at http:\\localhost:8080\jBPM

                • 5. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple


                  maybe "drop" was not the best word I could use: I meant "drag and drop" - you should copy your jsp inside jbpm.war.

                  Everytime you copy or modify something under the deploy dir, JBoss automatically deploys the file (in this case a web application). If you modify a war, the web application first gets undeployed and then redeployed, and this operation usually takes few seconds.
                  Because of that, if you point your browser right away to your webapp, you might get an error (HTTP Status 404 - The requested resource (/jbpm/) is not available). Do you get this error?

                  One more thing, your URL looks like http:\\localhost:8080\jBPM: be carefull since Tomcat is case sensitive - in order to have the application context "jBPM", your file under deploy must be jBPM.war, and not jbpm.war or JBPM.war or whatever, otherwise you get again the HTTP 404 error.

                  Let me know if you need more help

                  • 6. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple

                    Thank you Luca ,
                    I see the changement in the GUI of WEBSALE example .
                    The second step we must validate the transition from a database
                    for example to detect that the task "create new web sale order" is done in the websale example we must accede to a database where the item and quantity and adress are stocked.
                    In fact ,we have an application of entreprise management .I have to assit this management by a workflow .so the task is done in this application and the workflow app have to detect the process advance provide the database of the app of management .
                    where I have to change in the jsp page .
                    excuse me for my bad english ,

                    • 7. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple


                      • 8. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple

                        firdaws i have the same problem, i changed the file "header1.jsp", after i deployed the application under eclipse (a web application .war), but i get the following message:
                        Directory Listing For /

                        Filename Size Last Modified

                        Apache Tomcat/5.5

                        i wait for reponse, it s very important for me
                        think s in advence

                        • 9. Re: Comment redeployer l'exemple

                          i want just to add that i m using Myeclipse 4.1 and eclipse 3.1.1
                          thank you