1 Reply Latest reply on May 9, 2006 3:51 PM by hosierdm

    Where is javadoc for org.jbpm.webapp?


      I was looking at the jBPM webapp to see how the JSPs are coded and saw that they make extensive use of the org.jbpm.webapp classes packaged in the jbpm-webapp-3.1.1.jar file.

      However, the javadocs don't have any defintions of these classes.

      Are they provided somewhere?

      -- Frank

        • 1. Re: Where is javadoc for org.jbpm.webapp?

          I would say your best bet is to just look at the source code, which is available when you download the jbpm distribution. The source code will tell you way more than any javadoc ever could. It helped me out quite a bit actually.