1 Reply Latest reply on May 17, 2006 5:30 AM by tom.baeyens

    Automatic ProcessInstance presistancy when JbpmContext is cr


      Hello all,

      I am trying to write a class to wrap up jBPM for my project development use. My program requires execution a huge number of small and short jbpm processes. By making some of these processes as non-presistant, it will keep jBPM database small. In this case, it will keep on switching between presistant process instances and non-presistant process instances.

      I am trying to create a JbpmContext using JbpmConfiguration.createJbpmContext() in constructor. I write like this coz I don't want to create a new JbpmContext everytime I execute Jbpm stuff, to save up some execution time.

      This method works fine until I need non-presistant Process Instance. Even if I use new ProcessInstance(processDefinition) instead of JbpmContext.newProcessInstance(processDefinition), it will still leave records into the database. By further looking into the codes, in Services.assignId(), it will call JbpmContext.getCurrentJbpmContext() and get a presistant service. as far as I understand from the codes, if I have created a JbpmContext, all of my process instances will be presisted into the database.

      Currently I will create a JbpmContext each time when I need presistant service, and close it immediately after use. This method works, but creation JbpmContext everytime I use may unnecessarily consume resources. May I know if there are any explicit ways to set a process instance to be presistant or non-presistant?



        • 1. Re: Automatic ProcessInstance presistancy when JbpmContext i

          try to group all your persistent jBPM operations in one jbpmContext.

          and group all your non persistent stuff outside of that scope.

          one JbpmContext should be created for every transaction. and the jbpmContext should always be closed in the finally.

          you can do more then one operation inside one jbpmContext.

          jbpmContext is fast to create and will only consume resources when necessary.