1 Reply Latest reply on May 24, 2006 9:03 AM by koen.aers

    Catching Process Events in JBPM


      Is it possible in jbpm to programmatically catch events such as Node-enter event. I know I can specify a handler in the xml for each task, but in my case I have a generic pre-process handler for tasks which chekcs among other things, availability of resources. Now I dont want to have this handler specified in each task of the process I create and would much rather have it done programmatically when I load a process definition.
      Also, related to the first question, is there a way to catch ALL processs flow events at a single point? I mean if I want to do the same task at node-enter and say transition-change, instead of specifying it bor both is there I way I can catch all process flow events?
      Thanks in advance.