1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 2, 2006 11:07 AM by kukeltje

    why is there a actorId and pooledActorIds?


      I want to know the idea behind creating a actorId and a pooledActorId.
      Technically if we go into the code, I dont see why we need an actorId.
      I can just make use of pooledActorIds.
      Say for example
      I have taskInstance.setActorId("bert"), i can get the tasks assigned to bert by saying taskMgmtSession.findTaskInstances("bert").
      I can also have something like taskInstance.setPooledActors(new String[]{"bert"}), and can get the tasks assigned to bert by saying
      taskMgmtSession.findPooledTaskInstances("bert"). Pooled actors is more
      useful, because I can have more than one user or group. Why the notion
      of actorId in taskInstance?

        • 1. Re: why is there a actorId and pooledActorIds?

          Partly correct, since it is indeed possible to also add an individual (human) actor to the pooledActors.

          If the actorid is e.g. group, and you at a certain moment want a specific individual actor to act on it, you leave the pooledActors intact, but set the actorID. It only shows up in the individual tasklist then. If the actorID is set to 'null' it is put back in the 'grouptasklist'